Very BIG Room? Music and Home Theatre Challenge

Could anyone please comment on issues that come to mind when setting up audio and home theatre in a big, barn like room?

I have been asked by a friend for some advice on a soon to be renovated "great room" which will be converted from a barn that was attached to their house.

Therefore, the new room will connect with the kitchen and extend to approximately 25' wide by 60' long with 14-15 foot ceilings.

The walls are made of stone and the floor is hardwood.

At the far end of the room, there will be a new chimney and fireplace installed, and the only brief I have so far is that will do lots of entertaining in this room, have a bar, and approximately 3 different seating areas within the room, and would consider a large projection or display device over the new fireplace.

The room is naturally pretty dark, which I hope will help with the video aspect.

As a Magneplanar fan, I would like to recommend 3.6s and all the Maggie surround sound speakers, but I need to learn more about their tastes and preferences.

I do know my friend loves to watch football and tennis, so I am also thinking HDTV in a big screen format.

But any ideas for such a project would be greatly appreciated.
Shiva - You beat me to the punch ... Klipsch Heritage all the way. Belles and K-horns with a pair of the RSW 15" subs or go all out with Velodyne's DD-18.

Also might consider Klipsch cinema systems ... I have read they are impressive for HT. As much as it would be fun to dive into an "audiophile" system it would be tough to cover that big an area. 1500 sq ft with high ceilings, thats a lot to cover. Most companies would be thinking PA system - the Heritage line seems to be a good trade off. Room for those horns to breath! You could actually run 7.1 and get the effects to work. I bet it will be mind blowing HT no matter what way you go!

Good luck - I'd love to see some pics when you're done.

Thanks for all the good info so far, gentlemen.

Funny, my new room is 20x25 and it is starting to feel like a cramped, nearfield set up.

I am thinking more and more that a bit of Rives type room consulting would have as much an impact on this installation than anything.

A longer and more philosophical conversation is why there should be that much difference between good home theatre and good music, but perhaps that should be another thread.

Another piece of the puzzle:

above this room will be an IDENTICAL room, which is where there new master bedroom suite will go. Although this is likely to be carved up internally with walls, closets, bathrooms etc.

Therefore, they have asked for a < $5000 40" plasma for the foot of their bed.

I have had great luck in my own bedroom with the inexpensive Pioneer HT receiver and the Infinity 750s following recommendations from some of you and might just suggest the same.

So are there any good HD plasmas WITHOUT the cheesey internal amp and speakers?

Hopefully that frees up more cash for the BIG room downstairs.
Klipschorns all around. It will save them a bundle of cash on extra subs and bigger amps too......since the speakers are so efficient and put out gobs of tight bass.
Panasonic's commercial plasma's might work fo you Cwlondon, but, for the big room I'd still suggest a front projector.
Agree with Klipschhorns or Avantgardes. Also consider hanging some decorative carpets from rafters to help tame room reflections.

Best regards!

Bob Wood