I was hoping to get some advice/help ;) I have the CPT 1800 and connected to it is a pair of KR Audio VA910 tube amps and the KR 130 preamp, PS Audio DS(with CPT 150), SOTM SPS1000 PS (CPT 50) for the Microrendu and MoCa converter. I live in a townhouse and do not have a dedicated circuit. From what I have read I thought the 1800 would eliminate all ground loops? Well, in my system it doesn't it only adds to the hum. The outlet (Maestro) the CPT is connected to is fed from another outlet in my listening room. If I move one amp off the 1800 and into the outlet before the CPT the hum is about gone. With the amps only connected to the speakers (Langerton Config 217) and no input the amps are dead quiet. I'm puzzled why I have hum when having everything plugged into the 1800? I tried a cheater plug, ground wire between pre and amp - nothing worked except for what I stated above. Is there something wrong with my 1800?