Job Integrated Amp.

Became available a few days ago. Placed my order immediately upon receiving an email from a an employee there. Now I anxiously await.
Congratulations Don. I still absolutely love my Job INTegrated. I am glad you do too. Give it some time and it will only get better.
I have a problem with jobsys: they told me that you could return an amp back for free and for 20% after 10 days. Now they tell me it is 20% (and then 10% because i complained).

I would like to know if i'am a isolated case or not.

And before you ask: the job int is good but not better than a much cheaper audiosource amp + a bitfrost. 
As stated on their website, "If you return one of our products within 10 days of shipping date, we apply a restocking fee of 20% before returning your payment.", has always been in effect. Unless you have an email or communication stating differently, that's the policy.

I am sorry you feel the need to return it. Job has been great to me and my friends in regards to questions and help. Never needed service from them so far.
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