Sony Hapz1es or blue sound.......

I have a question about the Sony Hapz 1es. I recently took a listen to it and noticed that it sound a little lifeless and dull, not at all bright and musical From what I read in the reviews. I than listened to blue sound and was surprised how well that sounded compared to the Sony. In all fairness I did listen to it a Best Buy and the Sony it was not set up properly. I wanted to know it anyone else noticed the same or opposite as I did?
FYI, owned the Sony...well, let's just say I returned it and tried to forget that experience ever happened.  

"Still waiting to hear from those who've tried a stand-alone DAC for improvement over the Sony DAC"

I tried my Wyred4Sound DAC2 DSD Femto Clock dac with the Sony.  I liked the sound of the Sony much better.  The external dac sounded like second row where the Sony sounds like your 15 rows or so back.  The Wyred dac uses the ESS 9018 dac chip and I have found that chip to be a little forward sounding.   I sold the external dac and am very happy.

I have the Sony and really like it and also have the blue sound node for streaming. Both great devices. I would love the Sony more if it streamed Tidal.  They would probably sell a ton more. Really well made  (weighs a ton) and musical too.