Best value record cleaner/cleaning system

Thought I would ask the group -- when I was last in the analog game some 12-15 years ago it was a VPI or Nitty Gritty for record cleaning (that and the wood-handled Discwasher pad with red-bottle liquid, Zerostat and Decca CF brush for just before playing an LP)... are these still the go-to standard units, or has the state of the art / ’value’ options advanced to some other kits in the present? I see cleaner units now from Pro-ject, Music Hall, Spin Clean, etc etc.

In my case I am not trying to ’deep clean’ mistreated, flea market or recycled recors store records... just good hygiene maintenance-cleaning of a treasured collection - 80% regular records, 20% ’audiophile’ pressings.

Thanks in advance.
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Let's go another tack.  I recommend ultrasonic cleaning. It yields far superior results to Nitty Gritty (which I have) to VPI (which my friends use).  We have conducted tests by cleaning ultrasonically after using the prior machines and the sound is so much clearer, better detail, much better imaging, etc. The effects are the same whether you use beat albums or those brand new. In fact I have had good luck buying original Blue Note recordings all scuffed up for a few bucks and after cleaning they are decent and listenable.
I resisted this as I did not want to spring for the expensive German machines $3-4,000.  Now there is an excellent alternative. I purchased a system from for $550 and an ultrasonic machine recommended by them for $170 on EBAY.  In the past 2 months I have cleaned over 2,000 records! I would say the results are close to going up a level in Record Condition and are great for beat up albums.
I have a few friends who purchased this system and are very happy. It looks pretty cheesy and for the money it looks ridiculous. However, I am buying the results and they have been excellent. The system is not cheap but it justifies the expense.
A soft non-abusive dish washing brush with some dawn detergent seems to work pretty well. Not for everybody but it works pretty well for me. 

Great work; finding a cost effective ultasonic record cleaning system. All vinyl lovers should take note of your contribution to clean vinyl.
The "Spin Clean" is a fave among my customers looking for "basic" cleaning. As mentioned before vacuum and ultrasonic cleaning is superior. 
Anvil Turntables
Sure line paint edger is a great gentle tool to wash vinyls in the sink.  Gets a lot of surface area. Use a little Rinseaid and then rinse thoroughly. Dry with microfiber towels. Slip into plastic inner sleeve. No affect on label. Lots of videos on YouTube.