Why pay so much for super high end?

Most speakers costing $50,000+ use Seas, Scan Speak or Accuton.

In DIY forums most speakers designed use bargain drivers and usually are only 2.0 designs not bookshelf or center speakers to complete a surround system.

I’d love to have a Scan Speak 11 speaker system for atmos with 3 way bookshelves, center and floorstanders.

Why aren’t the designs out there and why are you guys pissing away all your money.

Personally I won’t get an upgrade from my speakers unless it’s of this caliber and neither can I afford nor want to donate money to these thieves.

A 3rd party 11 speaker atmos scan Speak system would be nice but I’m not spending $250,000.

Why on earth aren’t there designs out there for this and why do you all piss away your money?

I don’t get why hi fi isn’t all DIY even honest factory direct companies mark up 300%.

Unless you pull in $1+ million a year and don’t have any time I don’t get it.

Are you guys lazy?

Someone easily could design a great crossover and cabinets for everyone and the days of paying over $3,500 for a pair of loud speakers if you got some time or know a friend who could build cabinets would be over. I know of people who could design cabinets that rival $100,000 speakers and cost less than 1% than that.  Someone with some experience could easily design a diamond, beryllium and soft dome and various versions for various tastes.

I don’t get it. Speakers are so simple.  Crossovers cabinets and drivers.

You guys just throw your money away I don’t understand it why?


I have chosen to ridicule flat-earthers, birthers, and (quick) creationists along with other sub-scientific trolls because I have learned a lot about abnormal psychology through experience with them.
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To balance things a bit in terms of the faith/science dichotomy which is being discussed currently, on today's news at Yahoo.com there is an article about police apprehending a man who had a gun. The gun appears to be quite old, and the reaction on the Net/comments on the article of some is that this is evidence that the man has time traveled! Now, if you were to ask me I would tell you that there is not much chance of the gun actually having been transported in time, much less less the owner of the gun. That from a creationist! ;) 

Now, I will say at the forefront of these comments that I do not accept human time travel, nor the existence of aliens for which there is little (I'm being very generous using that term "little") credible evidence. I consider it fantasy, a childish whim outside the boundaries of hard science and reality. I'm sure there are some people who might argue the "theoretical" reality of it. I'm unimpressed by such discussion, and you'll not soon change my thinking on that. I could mock people who hold such beliefs, and I do mean belief in the fullest sense of the word. But what does that accomplish? I would make me feel superior for a time, but would engender the disdain and even hate that exists too much in the world. 

My point in bringing this up? I consider it to be faith, only of a secular kind, denying reality. I observe people of a secular dint believing all manner of what I would consider to be foolish things. Humans have been "wired" for belief, it seems. Let the Darwinists credit nature, and let me credit God for that. Either way, there certainly is no lack of faith exhibited by Naturalists in the existence of a knowledge vacuum. The atheist needs to watch when pointing fingers at the creationist for their faith, for there are as many odd and incredible things believed by those who I consider to idolize science as anyone. :) 

Which brings us indirectly to aftermarket audio cables! Audiophiles such as myself might be mocked for believing in the capacity of cabling of various designs to confer sonic changes. Having conducted several interviews with manufacturers and exploring the designs which would be credited with the sonic changes I find it interesting that it is still considered a faith proposition by some.  I do not see the argument about cables as a conflict between science and faith, but rather a conflict between theory and observation, which can only be settled by observation., unless one wishes to dump observation in favor of theory. When there are such profoundly weird things believed in the quasi-scientific or socio-political realms I don't feel too badly for believing my senses in observational practice of using power cords. :) 

observation requires a set of controls, or just woo-woo

most are not doing blind listening tests and are just victims of confirmation bias

another confounding factor is that changing cables often breaks up corrosion, which could have been done w/o using a different cable