What commerical audio system tweaks provide sound quality improvement??

If you look in any audio catalogue, whether Music Direct or Audio Advisor, there are usually several pages of  system tweaks.

What  tweaks in your opinion, work and actually provide real audible improvement??

Thank you , SJ


Thanks to all who have responded since I advocated for safety.

To toddverrone, Good point, that is what I thought that a few inches in height would not make that much difference. I could even try those 2"x 2" squares that have a cork center and hard rubber top and bottom which have rails running across them. I used them before on components and they seem to make some difference, especially with my CD player. I bought them on line from an industrial parts company that offered them in different sizes. They were inexpensive, like $1.50-$2.00 per square depending on size.  Unfortunately, I lost the company's web address when my computer crashed about 1 year ago.  Vendors like Elusive Discs sells them but they are about six bucks per item.

When I upgraded to separates recently, I used what I had for the pre-amp, instead of the CD which sounds a bit different without them  The player is an Ayre CX-7e mp and is fairly heavy at 35 lbs. Nevertheless, it still needs some vibration control under it.  I will have to check out the Stillpoints items (recommended by member, "Zorro")  but I know they are expensive.  Nordost's new "Kort"  metal vibration pucks are too expensive.   Audio Prism  makes  some vibration control items that  look good and are not too expensive.  Music Direct offers them.

Tweakdom is a very crowned field and results can be spotty     Thanks, SJ  

just put a big rug in my listening room and somewhat shocked at the improvements...did not do it for sonic reasons either...just got lucky
my other best new tweak is to unplug my streamer when listening to CD or LP
Room treatment is huge! Hardwood floors are very reflective of sound. Area rugs are a great help, as you've discovered.
I have some windows to figure out. Too much resonance and ringing, but I hate curtains...
@jmccl12 those mirage speakers don't look too power hungry or difficult to drive, so I think you're probably fine with 14awg, but the only way to truly know is to try.