Any opinion or feedback on the NAIM UnitiServe or UnitiCore?

Have a few hundred CDs and I'm loking to transition to a NAS based system and the NAIM units have caught my eye. Please share your thoughts or comments on them. How is their interface? Is the UI on the app adequate or is it horrible? I just want to be able to connect it to my main system and listen there. I don't need to stream to other parts of the house or do any complex setups.
iTunes on a mac has about as much ease and convenience as you can get

- set it up to auto eject when done; I use Apple Lossless

I ripped 1,500 CDs that way

you will have a bit perfect set of digital files with very good search, filtering, and retrieval 

send it to your $200 DAC, or your $37,000 DAC - whatever you want
I own both units and they are the epitome of simplicity. They changed the entire way I listen to music. Rip your cd's on the machine then make playlists or not. Was a life changer for this less than satisfactory computer user. The Naim is easy and sounds absolutely flawless through a good dac. Operating software great too.,

@randy, thanks, iTunes is always an option but a last one.

@4425, thanks for your input. How is the interface? Is it buggy? I’m leaning towards the NAIM but still unsure as I have never had a NAS based system.


I had a Naim UnitiServe for a few years and I thought it was very good.  It was my first server after ditching my CD player.   It rips to .wav format which worked great, and I also liked the user interface.   The outputs are S/PDIF only (optical or 75ohm BNC) and that may be a bit limiting.  Naim has a feature in the user interface that allows you to stream internet radio, which I miss now that I'm using an Aurender.  I'd recommend the UnitiServe, but it is a bit expensive for what it does.


you may want to post your question on

it's right up their alley and there are many cheaper ways to do what you want than the Naim units (which are for more complex multi-room systems)