Good source for TT dustcover??

Just bought a VPI Classic 2 SE and would like to get dustcover. The arm on the table (a JMW 10.5) seems to ever so slightly hang over the front edge of the plinth so I think I need to get a big DC that comes down around the whole table, and not sit on the edges of the plinth.

Also, would love to find a DC-maker that might fabricate a proper replacement DC for my rear hinged Micro Seiki DD40. The hinges are good but over the years the clear plastic has internal fractures near the hinges.

Any recommendations for good quality good value sources of these DC’s would be appreciated (in USA).

Thanks in advance.
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xjjss49 your text ...

I had them make me a custom cover for my SP10 mk2 plinth . in 1/4"

Nice workmanship  

They made a beautiful hinged cover for my VPI.
Not inexpensive, but well made and well worth it.
Also, pick up some specialized plastic cleaner.
I use NOVUS PC-10 Plastic Clean & Shine  which you can find on Amazon.
It will keep the cover slick and sparkling and will act as a shield to minimize scratching for airborne dust particles.
Norm at Stereosquares do excellent work - have bought product from him many times.

Good Listening
