Sony 777ES vs Sony 7100 ES Receiver upgrade?

I currently own the monster Sony 777ES receiver. It weighs 47 pounds. I got it in 2001 priced at $1,500 MSRP. I have thouroughly enjoyed the sound. I have recently upgraded my B&W 603's to the new 703 model. These new speakers need more than the 120W X 5.1 my current receiver delivers.

My question is to anyone that knows the quality of the new ES line. I am interested in the new 7100ES. IT has 170W X7.1. Although the weight is about 15 lighter at 32 pounds. Should I be concerned with the lighter weight? Will the higher W power make a difference? I do not know if I should sell 777ES and buy 7100ES. I have found good deals on net for 7100ES and am tempted, but need feedback from anyone that can. Thanks
Sorry Newmanoc, I think you may be mistaken unless you have listened to the Sony 7100ES Receiver.

I have a few asian magazines showing multiple owner setups and reviews using a Sony 9000ES receiver. One magazine reports writes an article where they goe to an owner's house using the 9000ES receiver which powers a pair of B&W Signature 800 + Signature HTM + four 704 for surrounds in a Qualia setup (TV & PJ).

Even at this demo Sony HS-60 Projector demo, the Sony 7100ES powers 3 PMC IB2's and the room is huge! Those PMCs are power hungry just like N802s.

I think these new high-end receivers CAN power some of the bigger monsters. However, you may not get the great quality 2 channel you are desiring.

I am a believer that a receiver cant power much as I use separates myself.

But sometimes you just wonder.

However, some flagship models can deliver especially in this day of the new digital amps.

Jwatusi: Your Sony 777 can do ok with your old 603s but with 703 you will need slightly more power and the 703s are a more detailed speaker.
The main differenece between the 7100 and your 777 besides power are the new surround formats. Whether you want/need them is your choice. If you dont, I would just buy an external amplifier like BIGTREE recommends since your 777 receiver has pre-outs.
"Sorry Newmanoc, I think you may be mistaken unless you have listened to the Sony 7100ES Receiver."

Well, it is certainly possible that I am. I haven't heard this receiver, and certainly not driving B&W 703's specifically. If you have, then your opinion is far more credible than mine. I only offer my view with such experience as I do have, and with the awareness that going into low ohm loads is beyond that for which Sony receivers are typically well suited.

But if you have not heard this receiver driving the B&W's in question, but only seen pictures of Sony receivers hooked up to B&Ws or read some review citing it was done (a little shy of a true A/B comparision, I'm sure you'll admit), then I would agrue caution is in order before suggesting this is anything remotely like a good idea.

But I think all three of us who have posted thus far are in agreement that the best solution is getting a true multichannel amp and using the current receiver as a processor.
The reason that the 7100es weighs substantially less than your old 777es is because it uses digital amplification as opposed to analog. It still has a massive toroidal transformer but since the digital amplification is something like 90% effecient, it doesn't produce heat like analog amplification does and as such, does not need the massive heat sinks that make up most of the weight in traditional analog receivers.

For what its worth, the 7100es is a lot more powerful than even the 5000es from a couple of years ago thanks to its massive power supply (the old 5000es used switching power supplies and had no toroidal transformer.

With all that said, the 7100es will sound completely different from your 777es as it has a smooth digital sound which is very revealing and clear. Your 777es by comparison will sound more warm in not a touch muddy by comparison. You may find that the digital sound is not for you. Take a listen and see.
Keep the 777ES (its bulletproof) and just get an amp to drive your speakers. I own two older ES receivers and wouldn't trade em for anything. There will always be "Sony bashers" but they don't know the quality put into the ES line which is Sony's "Lexus". If you've got the upgrade bug and can't shake it, let me know if you want to sell the 777. Cheers!