Fidelity Research FR-64 vs. FR-54

In a prior discussion, I had asked about tonearm suggestions for a Luxman PD-441 table that currently has a Denon DA-307 tonearm and Grado The Reference high output cartridge.  Many suggestions were provided.  A Fidelity Research FR-64 was suggested as a simple replacement.  I'm wondering if the FR-54 would also be good, being that it is mentioned in the Luxman manual in the same category as the Denon arm on there now?
My second system is located in our very large finished basement.  I notice a benefit vs our living room, where system one resides.  Plus the poured concrete floor of the basement helps a great deal.
Dear @thekong : First and as I told you I do not disclose about the test I did t and that you suggested till you make something in your overall system to make some tests of all of what I posted in this thread.

If you are feeling through your system listen sessions that " something " is hitting your chest that it's not low bass but mid-bass or high distortions somewhere.

Even if the bass wave is builded no one can hear it trhough ears but only hear through the whole body.

Many years ago some music/distortions waves hit my chest: not any more and I have to tell you that nothing rattle in my room even at over 100 db SPL ( I'm talking of low bass. ) and in the past ( not so long time. ) I feel those waves through my legs and with some rattle somewhere in the room. Today there is no rattle and the bass waves hit me mainly at my middle of part of my back and sometimes at the same heigth at my body sides. As I posted here or somewhere my room " disappeared ".

Yes, SPL is always a real problem in any room. With out it we can't hear and fell nothing. Things are that even very high SPLs are handled by system/room with an unexpected aplomb and the main reason is that that system/room works with distortions at minimum.

A  gentleman posted in other totally different thread this: 

in the last two senteces we can read:

"""  This makes me think some people do like pleasant distortion  . Remember ignorance is bliss until you have heard the difference .  """

that's part of each one step in the audio/music learning ladder. Difference is that that specific step ( on what I posted. ) I passed before you and other gentlemans. You can't understand what you do not experienced ever and for you there is no reasonable explanation and that's why you think I'm wrong and other that I'm really crazy or whatever.

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC not DISTORTIONS,
Dear Raul, it is ok, you don't have to disclose the test result; the test was meant for your own benefit only. Actually, we all know the answer already!

You could feel the pressure created by the Telarc 1812's cannon shots in your system before, but can't feel it now, and you concluded that now is better. I have no argument regarding your preference, but how do you know / prove your system is having lower distortion now, where are the facts?

Maybe it is the other way around, you are liking the higher pleasant distortion (without pressure) in your current system / setup!

I can see how this tone arm thread got sidetracked . Reading in between the lines I think Raul is talking about room acoustic distortion caused by modal coupling .

The reason to use multiple subwoofers  

Dear @thekong : """ Actually, we all know the answer already! """

I don't know other people but I'm totally sure you don't because you don't know or understand what I'm talking about. You can't understand what you are not experienced yet.
No, it was useless for me because I already know the answer and only confirm it.

Where said I I don't feel the generated room SPL by the Telarc 1812?. What I said is that I feel it but with a lot lower distortions levels than ever and that you can't even imagine.

@thekong , again how can you argue/contend nothing at all with that system full of tubes that means THE WORST DISTORTIONS WE CAN HAVE/ACHIEVE !!!   Forgeret.

You think you know almost everything but in the subjects of my posts, and with all respect, you know nothing: CAN YOU UNDERSTAND THAT?

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC not DISTORTIONS,