In the other side, I never posted here or every where that my system has lower distortions than anyone else.
Dear Raul, good, then we have no disagreement.
What I can tell you is that my system/room has lot lot lower distortions than yours.
I really have no problem with that, if it is true, as I have never posted that my system has low distortion.
The problem that I can see is you can't prove it! I don't think you have any idea on the distortion level of your complete system/room. Have you compared the sound signal at your listening seat, with the signal from the phono/cd output by testing equipment? I bet not!
Then you have to rely on your highly trained ears, but they couldn't even detect the distortion caused by the airborne feedback to your turntable system.
I did it using Telarc 1812, Dafos and Firebird tracks not at 83db normal SPL but at 97dbs ( at seat position. ) with 109db on peaks and you know something: I can’t detect any vibration/resonance because that air borne.