Fidelity Research FR-64 vs. FR-54

In a prior discussion, I had asked about tonearm suggestions for a Luxman PD-441 table that currently has a Denon DA-307 tonearm and Grado The Reference high output cartridge.  Many suggestions were provided.  A Fidelity Research FR-64 was suggested as a simple replacement.  I'm wondering if the FR-54 would also be good, being that it is mentioned in the Luxman manual in the same category as the Denon arm on there now?

I can see how this tone arm thread got sidetracked . Reading in between the lines I think Raul is talking about room acoustic distortion caused by modal coupling .

The reason to use multiple subwoofers  

Dear @thekong : """ Actually, we all know the answer already! """

I don't know other people but I'm totally sure you don't because you don't know or understand what I'm talking about. You can't understand what you are not experienced yet.
No, it was useless for me because I already know the answer and only confirm it.

Where said I I don't feel the generated room SPL by the Telarc 1812?. What I said is that I feel it but with a lot lower distortions levels than ever and that you can't even imagine.

@thekong , again how can you argue/contend nothing at all with that system full of tubes that means THE WORST DISTORTIONS WE CAN HAVE/ACHIEVE !!!   Forgeret.

You think you know almost everything but in the subjects of my posts, and with all respect, you know nothing: CAN YOU UNDERSTAND THAT?

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC not DISTORTIONS,

Dear Rual, great, now you are saying you could feel it. I just don't know how you can feel lower distortion! I can understand if you say you can hear it, but feeling the distortion? How does it feel actually?

No matter, now that you can feel it, then it gets back to the original issue. If you can feel it, then the air-borne vibration will also be transmitted to your turntable system, as there is no barrier,  causing feedback and distortion. This is just physics!

So much for the claim that your system has lower distortion than anyone else!
Dear @thekong : All human beens can hear and feel distortions. Distortions comes from everywhere in our day life ( not only audio. ). In audio music comes along distortions of every kind and as music the distortions comes along its harmonics/overtones.

Do you think that when we feel a low bass SPL what we feel is only " music "?, no my friend always comes with distortions generated in the system/room. Problem is that you are unaware of almost any kind of distortions at any frequency range and you can't detect it because the poor resolution of your system and because you don't know what to look for ! ! !

In the other side, I never posted here or every where that my system has lower distortions than anyone else. You did it.

What I can tell you is that my system/room has lot lot lower distortions than yours.

It's useless to continue talking when exist a to high differences on audio ignorance levels between two persons as you and me. It's useless that you try to find out real arguments to prove I'm wrong when you can't be sure: I'M NOT. Period.

Re-read carefully this that are not my words but other gentleman ones:

"""  """ This makes me think some people do like pleasant distortion  . Remember ignorance is bliss until you have heard the difference .  """

Btw, it's not your culprit that very low audio knowledge level you have because as all of us you learned and still do through that corrupted AHEE. You are a clear example of the damage AHEE did it and does.

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC not DISTORTIONS,

In the other side, I never posted here or every where that my system has lower distortions than anyone else.
Dear Raul, good, then we have no disagreement.

What I can tell you is that my system/room has lot lot lower distortions than yours.
 I really have no problem with that, if it is true, as I have never posted that my system has low distortion.

The problem that I can see is you can't prove it! I don't think you have any idea on the distortion level of your complete system/room. Have you compared the sound signal at your listening seat, with the signal from the phono/cd output by testing equipment? I bet not!

Then you have to rely on your highly trained ears, but they couldn't even detect the distortion caused by the airborne feedback to your turntable system.

I did it using Telarc 1812, Dafos and Firebird tracks not at 83db normal SPL but at 97dbs ( at seat position. ) with 109db on peaks and you know something: I can’t detect any vibration/resonance because that air borne.