Aragon 8008ST vs Sumo Andromida III

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I purchased an excellent condition Somo Andromida III at a sweet price to tide me over while my Aragon 8008ST is in the shop. I fully expected the Sumo to be decent while perhaps not as good as the Aragon. At this time in my system I have to say the Sumo is every bit as good as the Aragon.  It is still too early to make a final assessment but I have noticed the Sumo is definitely more forward which makes it sound more detailed at first blush. The Sumo also has a bit of a shimmer in the treble that the Aragon did not. The Aragon sounded a bit darker in the mids as well. As far as bass goes I will say the Aragon seemed a bit tighter and more weighty. The Aragon also had a bit more dynamic (thump in your chest impact) than the Sumo.

With the Sumo being brighter I immediately speculated that it would fatigue me and wear thin at higher volumes over extended listening. To my surprise the Sumo just kept sounding better as the volume increased right up to the point where I couldn’t tolerate any more SPL. It was not fatiguing at all.

I believe there are solid reasons for these surprising results. I had fully expected the Aragon to be clearly better. Firstly the Aragon died so it is entirely possible it was not performing to spec for some time leading up to the failure. I wouldn’t have noticed a gradual change over the years.

Secondly the Sumo has higher input impedance than the Aragon and matches up to my VTL 2.5 preamp with better synergy.

I noticed that the Aragon supplied roughly the same output when at approx one quarter volume as the Sumo does at about half volume. Both amps have the ability to play much louder than that level so I believe this is as a result of a small impedance mismatch between the Aragon and VTL and not an indication the Aragon is more powerful. It is entirely possible I have never heard the Aragon at its best. Having said that it is also possible the Sumo is no longer at spec and I’m not hearing its best either.

Anyway... When/if I ever get the Aragon back Ill do a head to head compare.

I say definitely give your soon to be refreshed 8008ST a fighting chance. Either or both of the scenarios could exist. Though long in the tooth, the Aragon 8008ST is a rock solid powerful amp that deserves a second chance after repair/refresh.
Based on some experience with an Aragon 8008BB, the Aragon is a very high current amp with a lot of power.  It definitely has very full and strong bass/midbass.  However, I found the Aragon sonic signature to be on the warm and somewhat laid back side.  There are definitely amps that are faster/quicker in the mids/highs.  It could be that you're just hearing the sonic signature differences between these two amps.  The Aragon is definitely a nice amp.
Hello energeezer
I think from your description you are hearing the difference's between the two amps fairly accurately as I remember hearing them for a few weeks of time side by side about 25yrs ago. I had them on Thiel 1.2's. My personal choice was the Sumo by a large margin.
405 posts03-09-2017 2:38pmHello energeezer
I think from your description you are hearing the difference's between the two amps fairly accurately as I remember hearing them for a few weeks of time side by side about 25yrs ago. I had them on Thiel 1.2's. My personal choice was the Sumo by a large margin.
It seems that way at this point but still to early. Sometimes a new quality component gives the illusion of being better just by being refreshingly different but over time the flaws show. Plus, like I said, the Aragon may not have been performing as it should. When/if I get the Aragon back up to spec Ill be able to do a proper comparison. 
One thing is for sure. The Sumo is no slouch and I would say vastly under rated. A nice surprise for sure.
You've nailed the Andromeda sound.  I owned an Andromeda 2 for a few years and it had the most addictive highs I have ever experienced from an amp.