Quality of outlet not directly powering equipment important?

My new room that I have dedicated to music Has 5 outlets. They are all daisy chained around the perimeter of the room. They share nothing else on the circuit.  From left to right of the room, the power goes from 1-5.   The system is powered by outlet 4, which is an SR black.  The house was built with very poor outlets, the kind that literaly bite down on the wire using a hole for insertion and a quick release tab, not even screw down terminals.  

Upon seeing these POS outlets, which are in my "chain", I replaced outlets 1-3 with my collection of audiophile grade outlets. 1, with a wattgate 381 silver cryo, 2, with a teslaplex SE, And  3 with a furutech gtx-d (r).  I did this to at least have high quality links for the Romex to feed the SR BLACK (4).   I would assume that even with this "mix" of outlets in the chain, they must certainly be better than the absolute garbage outlets that were links in my electrical circuit.  I would imagine less voltage drop at the very least.
Now, outlet 5 remains a contractor POS outlet. Its technically past the system, but being that this AC, and not DC, wouldn't it technically also be part of the AC chain feeding the stereo? Would it behoove me to change that one out even though it's past the stereo and not before the stereo?

bcowen 61 posts                                                         03-05-2017 :09am


Did you notice any difference after replacing outlets 1-3, or did you do any before/after comparisons? Not trolling...I’m genuinely interested as I have a similar wiring configuration. Using a Furu GTX-D(R) for the outlet powering the system, but haven’t gotten around to doing anything with the other outlets on the circuit. Thanks!


In regards to the OP’s situation he stated the duplex receptacle outlets he removed were the really cheap residential grade receptacles that didn’t even provide side wire screw terminal connections. At the time his house was built the electrical contractor probably bought the duplex outlets in bulk for around 20 cents each.

Here is the problem with the cheap outlets. With the passage of time the spring clips that holds the hot and neutral current carrying wires lose their memory spring tension due to heating that takes place in the connection caused from various connected loads. In my previous post I used the example of a vacuum cleaner with a 12 amp motor. As time passes the more usage generated heat causes the spring clips to lose even more spring tension. The result at first is a slight series arcing between the branch circuit wire/s and the spring contact/s. The series arcing generates more heat. More arcing more generated heat. Basically the same principle that causes the receptacle holding tension that holds the plug blades tight in the receptacle. The arcing can also create a VD, voltage drop, across the wire to spring contact connection.

When the cheap outlets are daisy chained together with one another the feed though provision of the device is placed in series with the hot and neutral wires respectively of the incoming and outgoing lines entering and exiting the receptacle outlet junction box.

(Hot in wire inserted in Hot side contact clip > feed through > Hot wire out of other clip to next duplex receptacle. Repeat the same process for the neutral in and out wires that connect to each duplex receptacle.)

Scroll down the page pictures of the Link to a close up picture of the feed through contact. This is a Leviton outlet. As cheap as the Leviton looks imagine how cheap the contacts are in the OP’s stab in the back only 20 cent outlets.

You asked if the OP could hear any difference after replacing, the old stab the wire in the back duplex receptacles, with duplex receptacles using side wire terminals. He should have. And not because of the audio grade receptacles he used. The main reason he should have heard a difference is because of the better feed through contact termination connections from duplex receptacle to duplex receptacles, 1, 2 , and 3. The OP eliminated a total of 12 possible wire to spring clip poor connections. If any arcing was occurring in any of the 12 connections, when he was listening to his audio system, The arcing, I would think, would introduce AC noise/RFI feeding the power supplies of his audio equipment.

Was there any VD across any of the 12 wire to spring connections of the old receptacles? Good chance there was. Especially when he was pushing the power amp. As the amp was trying to recharge the caps in the power supply it was drawing more current from the AC mains. More current the greater the possibility of more VD. I wouldn’t be surprised if the OP has found his audio system sounds cleaner with a tighter bass and he has noticed he can crank the volume up louder than before without any distortion.

If it were me though I would still rework the branch circuit wiring in all the outlet boxes of the branch circuit. I would joint together the hot and neutral wires, respectively, and pigtail out the hot and neutral wires to feed duplex outlets at each of the 4 receptacle outlet boxes.




Just bumped into this post. I hope you guys can help with some suggestions. I am remodeling my home right now so I will be able to have total control over the home theater room. The place is going down to the studs with all new plumbing and electrical too. I already need 2 seperate 15 amp circiuts just to keep my Anthem P5 5channel amp happy. I figured going high quality hospital grade stuff and isolating the electronics to the pole outside the house. With the walls completely open what should I use for wire for the current and is there any high quality multistrand speaker wire that can be run in wall or ceiling or floor? I am going to insulate the floors and ceilings with open cell foam and using Cetainteed SilentFX Gypsum board to help with the noise.

For the power, I'd suggest cryo'd 10awg romex.  You can get this from either Audio Sensibility or VH Audio.  It's pretty much $3/foot.  I would setup 20 amp circuits instead.  If you got the money, go for Furutech rhodium outlets (or equivalent).  Hubbell hospital grade outlets are good for high-current, but they do have their own sonic signature, which can be forward and solid-state/sterile.

For in-wall speaker, I don't know.  By code, it has to be CL rated, so you're pretty limited.  I dunno, Audioquest FLX?  You'll be able to get a better speaker cable if you just run it inside the room.


Many thanks for the detailed explanation.  I guess I know what I'll be doing this weekend.

Lucky for me my neighbor works for Pass&Seymour, so it's time to hit him up for all the favors he'll undoubtedly owe me in the future.  A half-dozen free industrial grade engineering samples should work. :)