Why receivers aren't worth the "competetive price"

With all the attention and interest (not to mention market share) that AV receivers get (even more so than speakers I presume), I have to wonder if anyone really cares about absolute sound quality for thier HT setup's!?!
I look at Bose, and how well they do, and tell myself "Marketing is everything!"...hummmmm.
Surely, if it's packaged well, reviewed heavily, advertised even more aggressively, etc, it's gunna be more succesful as a product, or in this case, a product line.
Let's face it, people like receivers! I've probably outsold receivers 20:1 over the years, over better separates based products in this business. And I mean, to be true, I'll conceed, that the allure of an all-in-on, "do-all" little sexy black box with nobs is a fun item to think about, tinker with, and have sitting in a rack. It's a strange pheonomina really. I've been there myself in the past,and have owned a few receivers personally...mostly, however, when I was just getting into all this stuff.
I mean, sure, don't get me wrong, receivers offer a lot of perceived value for what they offer, and for reasonable pricing on occasion. I'll grant that.
But truth be told, my experience over time has proven to me, time and again, that when it comes to absolute sound quality for today's HT/music multi-channel systems, separates still FAR OUTPERFORM receivers by a wide margin! Basically, a good separates system STOMPS the receiver in sound quality, even punishes it!...far more realistic, musical, pure, dynamic, resolved, better signal to noise, channel separtion, soundstaging, you name it! At least that's what I've found to be a "Biblical truth" in AV.
I've matched the biggest flagships from Denon, Yamaha, Marantz, Integra, B&K, even, yes, Arcam in the past with even modest power budget separates,(even drving receivers from their pre's is a step up!) and it's almost clockwork...the separates is just better. And to me, soundquality is EVERYTHING when it comes to the audio side of the equation. So to that end, I don't get it. Why aren't more people buying separates?! I mean, some of these receivers these days are more than $4500, even $6000!! Good night! Personally, I'd never pay even $1500 for ANY RECEIVER, cause I know the differnce, and I love audiophile grade sound. It's like Haggendas over store brand blue label ice cream, to me.
On more than a few occasion, just to check what the state of the current "receiver market" is doing, I've taken some of the hot market receiver pieces, and played with 'em, just for kicks and giggles, and my own edificaiton and knowledge. And every time, the receivers on their own have dissapointed...nothing special usually. Usually the amp sections are SEVERELY COMPROMISED, and the preamp section is lacking. And although the resolution has gotten better in these things lately, the overall sound qualiy still leaves it on the proverbial table! Personally, every time I play my system, I'm reminded of how good it is on the "non-receiver side of the fence!"
Anyone care to comment on "their receiver experience", possibly who've owned better separates, or separates based AV systems in the past? Otherwise, I'd like to know from you "receiver guys", what is it about owning an AV receiver, that does it for you!?!
Let's establish a baseline to determine credibility of upcoming statements....

The reference system that was in my home:

Pass X1
Pass X600
Muse 9 gen IV sig
Magnum Dynalab MD102
Revel Salons
Revel Subs
Aural Symphonics PCs
Discovery SCs
Discovery ICs
Target equipment stand
various tweeks (Black Diamond, DH Labs, ect...)

Other stuff I've had AudioNote, Krell, Audio Research... get the drift... I won't go on.

Now, I got where I never enjoyed the "high-end" stuff becuase I expected too much. It always "could be better". So I decided to go home theater. No critical listening, no adjusting speaker placement (ok I did, but not the entire time I owned them, just a week or so) no balancing stuff on some exotice wire or cone.

I was shocked what you could get for your money (B&K AVR 307). Matched up with some Vienna Acoustic Beethovens the sound was extremely good!

Now I have a Pioneer Elite VSX-56TXi, DV-59AVi, PRO530HDi, Def Tech fronts, sides, backs and a center with a REL Stadium sub.

I'm so much happier. I have people over for football, movies, ect... It's great. I don't critic every little thing. I know it's not what I had, but it's way more than I expected. And WELL WORTH THE PRICE.

BTW, I still have two other two channel systems (one pretty decient one and another older one) and I still enjoy them too.

I guess my point is, you get what you pay for, it's just how far do you want to go into the law of dimenishing returns? Receivers are well worth the price consisdering how much more you have to spend to get an incremental increase in performance.
You'd be shocked how many people you could fool by sticking store brand ice cream in a Haagan-Daz container. The fact is you're still getting milk, cream and sugar, and the idea that they are eating a premium ice cream will be enough to convince them it's better. Even a lowly mass-market system bought at Best Buy will be able to produce 95% of what you could hear from the most exotic equipment. It's that last 5% that sets an audiophile apart from the mass market consumer. The trick is separating the great gear from snake oil. Just remeber to listen with your ears and not your eyes.
The letting go that JONT above discusses is a real good point.

I find when I get a new TV I am hyper for a week or so and then magically I see the good and ignore the flaw/s. Not so with my audiophilia nervosa!

The point about the big box retailers is also valid. So many people will buy $399 HTIB systems for Christmas this year and think they got a great buy without knowing what could be. Ignorance is bliss. Makes me crazy.

I too have heard the proud homeowner crank his Bose system while wearing the look of pride. Or the car salesman proudly reveal the premium Bose system. Aaaaarrrgh!

I've tried to argue the point. Don't know if it has done any good.

Bob Wood

"Even a lowly mass-market system bought at Best Buy will be able to produce 95% of what you could hear from the most exotic equipment. It's that last 5% that sets an audiophile apart from the mass market consumer."(Perkadin)

Really?!! 95% for best buy gear, ey? Hummmmm...guess I should reconsider things here...don't know what I was thinking evidently...
"It's like Haggendas over store brand blue label ice cream, to me."

Funny enough, they teach the Haagan-Daz story in markting classes in many University. It was regular old "milk sugar and water" and they weren't selling so well, so they made a fancy bucket for it, doubled the price, and marketed it as a "premium" ice-cream - with much success.

Gee, do you think there are any parallels in the HiFi industry?