Specific Pre-Amp advice

I would really like to get some help from the Forum. Late 2017 early 2018 I am getting a new pre-amp. My options to hear gear are low (common issue). Probably be buying blind which I have done in the past in conjunction with research. Here is the run down. 

Budget: 2500 possibly pushed to 3k. Looking for used gear (pretty much ruling out new).

1. I am leaning heavily toward a tube pre.
2. I would like a remote but its not a deal breaker if it gets me better SQ
3. Line stage only. Don't really need a phono stage as I have a stand alone
4. It needs to be active. 
5. Feeding SS amp with 100k input impedance 
6. Primary used with Vinyl front end. Would like it to handle three sources. (Radio, Dac/CD and Input for TT)
7. 2 channel only no pass through needed or wanted. 
8. Single Ended RCA Connection. My amp does not have true balance connections 

Current System 

VPI Prime 
SS Aida Cart
MS Nova Phomoma 
Exposure 17
Exposure Dual Reg 4
Vienna Acoustic Mozart Grands 

I am looking to get more resolution. A more liquid sound. Bigger soundstage and get more of the recording space into my room. 

My preference is for an open/transparent neutral sound slightly tipped to the warm side in the highs. Slight roll off maybe. I like a fast quick musical sound with tight quick bass. Not looking for tube romance or rounded bass. I absolutely would like to stay away from bright sounding gear. Also super etched is not to my thing. I fall in the musicality camp. 

Any suggestions that would help me achieve this sound would be appreciated. These qualities defiantly take system matching into account. Pretty happy right now but I think I can do better.

You just described the more recent versions of the ARC LS- series.  Mine is an LS-25 MkII and cost $2,500 used with new tubes a couple of months ago.
Interesting on the Freya choice. Way under budget. I don’t think passive will work with my amp. I read a post about someone not having luck with a passive with the dual 4. I don’t know the technical reasons behind it sadly. Maybe it just needs more gain?

I did dip my toe into the Schit line with headphones for a short period. I had the Valhalla 1 with Sennhieser HD600. Honestly I liked the sound but wanted to focus on one system. The amp was OTL and really that is where sound wise I would like to head but in a speaker system.

I will look into the Freya. It does not say its OTL but I will research it.

Of the two dealers I have locally one carries Audio Research. I kinda of viewed them as pricey compared to the competition. I do realize on paper it really makes sense to suggest Arc. I have mixed feelings as some of the dealers setups leave me less than impressed while the main room with the high dollar Arc and maggies 3.7 does impress me quite a bit.

Some of the systems I have heard with Arc seen fade or bleached out while the one I love cost a fortune. Maybe I should go give them another shot and no the dealer would never let me take a pre home. He is not that helpful to be honest. 

I will look into the Freya. It does not say its OTL but I will research it.
No it won’t be OTL (output transformerless) you can see that in the attached circuit pic. But I’m sure it will be OCC (output capacitor coupled) the 4 big fat red ones, for each phase for each channel of the balanced output in tube mode.

http://schiit.com/public/upload/general/freya-PCB-1920.jpg .

Cheers George