Synergistic Red Fuse ...

I installed a SR RED Quantum fuse in my ARC REF-3 preamp a few days ago, replacing an older high end fuse. Uhh ... for a hundred bucks, this little baby is well worth the cost. There was an immediate improvement upon installation, but now that its broken in (yes, no kidding), its quite remarkable. A tightening of the focus, a more solid image, and most important of all for my tastes, a deeper appreciation for the organic sound of the instruments. Damn! ... cellos sound great! Much improved attack on pianos. More humanistic on vocals. Bowed bass goes down forever. Next move? .... I'm doing the entire system with these fuses. One at a time though just to gauge the improvement in each piece of equipment. The REF-75se comes next. I'll report the results as the progression takes place. Stay tuned ...

Any comments from anyone else who has tried these fuses?
Something I find interesting about this thread is that I can't recall a single poster being an all-Synergistic, all-the-time fan boy. A few notables here use Synergistic power cords (and I have one in my system for my REL sub), but it seems that most go their own way when it comes to interconnect, speaker and other cabling and tweaks in their systems. In my view that increases the credibility of the many positive experiences with the Black fuses posted here.
My systems as pair of Mcintosh MC 501 mono , Mcintosh C50 preamp , Wadia 781i cd/sacd player , 1 pair Nordost Valhalla 1 XLR ( connected from CD to Preamp ) , 1 pair of Transparent Reference XL /  XLR ( from  Preamp to MC 501 ) , pair of Purist Corvus Luminist 9 Foot long speaker cables , 4 Cardas Golden Power Cords ( 2 for mc 501 , 1 for C50 and 1 for power strip ) and 1 Cardas Clear Beyond for Wadia , Oyaide R1 outlet and Oyaide power strip , to drive pair of B&W 803 D ..... but still drive me crazy with very weak of BASS and made me so angry ! I been tried with this set up took me almost 3 years for many many times to exchanged all of cables .... The final work i just replaced 4 stock fuses with Synergistic SR Black and they are pair very well to my systems , now i got plenty strong clean, tight bass , excellent soundstage , clarity , punchy , i am happy and love it now , i trusted SR fuses and they made things better ! cheers !!!
I recently replaced my stock power cord for my Bryston RM 20 power conditioner with a custom made Grover Huffman 20 amp a/c cable. It is more open sounding and clear. Music is sounding faster with more detail and less glare. Now I inserted my system which is plugged into the Bryston except for amps into the SR black duplex whereas I previously preferred the amps in the black and Bryston into a red duplex both dedicated 20 amp circuits. Now, with everything plugged into just the one black duplex my sound is even more dynamic, clear and interesting. SR is doing something right in their fuses and duplexes which allow high end equipment to reveal their best qualities as well as the music.

uberwaltz 3/10/17

"What I think happened and is also happening on the fuse front is that there will be some components and combinations that benefit from these tweaks and some that just do not "

Well said uberwaltz. Not all systems have reached the high level of sophistication required to easily demonstrate the benefits of the SR black fuses. In my experience systems which are highly dimensional, and with
accurate and musical bass response, obtain the maximum benefits. 

I have the greatest respect for people like Mapman who tried a red fuse and decided it did not help his system. But he never ridiculed those who were able to enjoy the benefits of the fuses. 

I do have a problem with Wolf Garcia, who has an unhealthy relationship with this fuse thread. He claims to have tried the black fuses and  said it did not help his system.  But he refuses to accept the testimony of the many hundreds of audiophiles who reaped the benefits of these fuses. His
position is that fuses are incapable of improving the fidelity of any high fidelity system. The stated reasons for his opinions are all without foundation and are so weak that I now forced to wonder what motivates his continuous and unwelcome appearances on this thread. 

I have the greatest respect for people like Mapman who tried a red fuse and decided it did not help his system. But he never ridiculed those who were able to enjoy the benefits of the fuses.

Well, actually he did. He was one of the most constant thorn in the sides of the fuse afficiandos. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. Speaking of Mapman, has anyone seen hide or hair of him? He seems to disappeared off the face of the earth. Mapman, come back! Mapman!