Eminent Technology ET-2 Tonearm Owners

Where are you? What mods have you done ?

I have been using these ET2's for over 9 years now.
I am still figuring them out and learning from them. They can be modified in so many ways. Bruce Thigpen laid down the GENIUS behind this tonearm over 20 years ago. Some of you have owned them for over 20 years !

Tell us your secrets.

New owners – what questions do you have ?

We may even be able to coax Bruce to post here. :^)

There are so many modifications that can be done.

Dressing of the wire with this arm is critical to get optimum sonics along with proper counterweight setup.

Let me start it off.

Please tell us what you have found to be the best wire for the ET-2 tonearm ? One that is pliable/doesn’t crink or curl. Whats the best way of dressing it so it doesn’t impact the arm. Through the spindle - Over the manifold - Below manifold ? What have you come up with ?
hah hah.... :^)  I like Bob Newhart.
I like the "STOP IT" scene. I feel some of today's millennials need some of this "type" of guidance.


so I am biased - still have two of them (millennials) - still living in my house. I am very old school.


I have this blue-eyed cockroach crawling my grooves.

Ladies don't like to see cockroaches, but they (cockroaches) are very healthy to eat. Harry, I hope we don't get you in trouble with your wife, with this cockroach, whose origins can be traced to this thread. So has she commented on ole Blue Eyes yet ?

If she noticed the cockroach, then she will also probably notice a new shiny black Mag armtube. pic 35 on my virtual system page shows the differences between the two. But bringing in an armtube is fairly safe I think. It's kind of small overall and hard to tell how much it cost by looking at it. Some years ago when I got the Mag wand, I was talking to Bruce about how he makes the Mag wand, and it is not an easy process to make it at all. If not done right the cast gets ruined.

Problem is some records sound amazing with three springs and others are best with two springs, even when I play with VTA. As advised, however, I can tell resolution has improved because I can now hear the VTA adjustments.

Assuming ones platter keeps proper speed and no other changes. The actual record becomes the real moving target. Different record plants, different vertical cut angles. Your post comments support this.

re: My question about your wiring

My Sp11 is positioned immediately to the side of the ET 2.5. A happy face wire smile between them. This allows for the shortest wiring length. There is a little over 2 feet of wiring - unfortunately the phono inputs are on the wrong side (farthest) side of the preamp. So I had to do what I have called James Bond type manoeuvring, with the wiring, to get it quiet.

Not encouraging anything here; but with a little over a meter of wiring you are a candidate for the straight shot unshielded wiring. The factory wiring ET2 setup on tables like VPI and SOTA had to be done that way - to help sell product. So just something to consider.

What does a straight shot buy you? The effect of this change would be like replacing a V6 engine with a V8, in the same car, but with no gas penalty. The music will sound like it's coming from a bigger pipe at you. But, and this is a big but...the wiring will not be Pussy Cat proof. 8^0    

I have re-wired avoiding my internal ET2 harness as well. I have been advised by a rewiring guy that you can realize up to 3db gain by ridding of those connections within the tonearm, not sure it is that extreme, but was noticeable for sure!

I picked up a second wand from Bruce so I can more easily swap cartridges, and I made both a Cardas and Litz loom, seen in these pics, had to arrange gear as mentioned above to keep them short!

Speed has indeed been an issue, but am making progress on that front too!  ;)

Thanks for chiming in. I need all the help I can get.  Nice rig by the way.

I can do a very short run.  My TT sits immediately to the left of the CAT and one of the mods Straightwire did to the CAT was to move the phono in plugs from the back to the left side.  After reading your last I swapped out interconnect.  I'm now using a 1 ft pure silver interconnect.  So total distance from cartridge to CAT is about 2 ft.  The change is subtle, if any.  Of course I'm still going through the din plug at the goose neck and the RCA's at the phono box.  I'm a little intimidated by running hot rod from the cartridge to the CAT.  As you observed regarding your feline, that presents a lot of opportunity to snag that fragile litz.   I'm getting closer to springing for a new wand.  After reading Bruce's description of the mag and cf, it appears the compliance of my Delos is a better match for the mag.  Do you agree?

Not too concerned about wife complaints.  As long as it gets in the house unseen she will never notice.  With the exception of power amp and speakers my whole rig is in a large closet which she never enters.  She is definitely a non-audiophile.  She thinks music is for background noise.


Sorry I got your monicker wrong in my prior respons.  Where did you get the way too cool red tips for the ET levers?  As I said to Chris, if I was into cosmetics over sound I wouldn't have an ET, but I gotta get me some of those red tips.

No worries vpi,

Those are from Lowe's Hardware, in the audiophile aisle...

They are screw protector caps, made to put on the end of screws to keep from catching or cutting yourself, you can find all colors, try Ace, Home Depot, Lowes... usually in the speciality hardware section. 

Regarding troughs, mine had the little end cap fall out and subsequently disappeared, so I have no "end" for mine currently, need to craft a fix for that.