Looking to hear new systems in New Jersey

I am looking to hear some new systems in New Jersey. I want to expand my experience with different system sounds so that I can hear and improve my system.

Let me know if you are interested. Sent me a message through Audiogon.

Thank you.
2, I didn't understand your post. Sorry, I tried to figure it out. That's the MS part of things for me.  I knew it was probably funny, but I can't get it.  :)

Oh, Johnny is as good as they get nationally.  I've been to so many stores over the years and he's special.
@ctsooner , I took your handle and changed sooner to stoner with a T, which is slang for someone who smokes a lot of marijuana, or so I'm told. :)
Oh, thanks.  Yes, I knew it would be funny. Hate asking folks to explain themselves, but my MS is cognitive also and I don't always understand like I used to. Thanks goodness it hasn't affected the ears, lol...
Oh, I do.  Pain is mental. lol  HA  that's why it's important for me to have a great audio system.  lol