sub positioning..

What is the best placement for a sub. I have my Def Tech super cube 3 feet away from the left main(7002 bipole,w powered sub) Would i get better sound staging by moving to a different position? or leave as is?

oh, okay. I pick up alot on on the gon but had no idea what an spl was...thanks..I was thinking of getting another sub but there is a whole list of things before that. thanks for the info...

dude, your system is something else...
Thanks for the kind words. Here are a couple of other thoughts concerning subs and main speakers. Adding subs to your system can take it to whole new leve. First I have eliminated the super low bass info by crossing the Subs and Salons at 80hz. This eliminates many distortions throughout the frequencies. This alone cleaned up the midrange and imaging quite spectacularly. Another benefit for using subs with any full range system is that it almost impossible to position your mains in the best position for bass, imaging, midrange, treble, etc. So this way I could use my Salons as the ultimate satellites, and place the Sub 30s extactly where they were needed to correct the mode problems in the room, something that apparently no amount of equalization can do by itself.
As a result, while my Salons or probably any well recognized floor stander sounded good, with proper sub placement the sound really reached another level maybe even several levels up. I marvel at what I was missing each time I listen to one of my favorite cuts.

I certainly didn't understand this myself until just recently when Gerry LeMay from QUEST helped me set the system up properly.
To me that is the fun of this hobby that there is always something new to learn and try.
Alignment of all the voice coils involved is crucial to proper wave launch and soundstage enhancement.Tom