Have you read the book How To Get Better Sound?
https://www.amazon.com/Get-Better-Sound-Jim-Smith/dp/0982080700If you have standing waves in your room a tube preamp may have nullified some the affect with less bass. The way a basic tube preamp works is:
Source select to volume control
Some sort of resistor divider to cut down on the input signal if the gain is too much
A tube
An output coupling cap
The coupling cap in conjunction with the input impedance into your amplifier makes a high pass filter.
cuttof freq is 1/(6.28*resistance*capacitance)
If any of the caps are undersized you might get a -3dB point at 15 to 20 hertz. This would mean less bass
Your room has the largest impact of any component in your system. A good system is a hotel room that has not been treated will sound bad not matter how much it cost.
My suggestion is to do what you can to make sure you understand why you are having the problem and the strengths and weaknesses of the component the new component in question.
I purchased diffuser plans on line and had a carpenter make them. This help the mids to low highs. Added bass traps in the corners and that brought my room to neutral. When you talk in the listening room it sounds very different than any other room. Less echo and clearer speech.