Add a Subwoofer to my Vandersteen 1ce s or replace with Revel Concerta2 F36

Hey Audiogon community,
    Perhaps you guy can help here. I have a VPI Scout with Sound Smith Zephyr III Cartridge running into a Musical Fidelity v-LPS that runs into a NAD VISO 5 Receiver and back out to a pair of Vandersteen 1ce's. Since I recently bought the Zephyr III, it revealed some inadequacies, and I am in upgrade mode. My audio advisor from Brooks Berdan suggested I start with the speakers. Mind you, I Love my Vandersteens but wish there was deeper bass realism. I have been listening to the Revel concerta2 F36  recently with a Cronus Magnus powering them via some entry level Oracle turntable. I like the F36 a lot, and feel like they would give me more full range dynamics especially on the low end. I am looking at upgrading to the Rogue Cronus Magnus soon as well. And am hoping that upgrading to the F36 is the smarter choice than adding a sub that would seamlessly integrate. Any thought would be appreciated. Thank you.
The guys preceding this post are all on it.  If you buy used get a pair with the latest serial numbers you can from someone who presents with good feedback, unless of course they are in proximity to you and you can experience them first hand.
Again thank you guys for the sound advice! I do feel like it's important to buy new and get the factory warranty if you can afford it. Like I said previously, I've never bought second hand stereo equipment, but always lust after the savings. Especially because I sold speakers at one point and know their mark up. At this point, I really think that it's two pieces that need the upgrade, - the NAD, and the 1ce's and then I'll rest for a bit and listen happily. I believe the 2ce sigs may be my next ten years, unless there's a glaring contender (at $2500 or less) that is up to the full range competition that the 2ce sigs benchmark at that price. IMHO of course 😉Oh yeah, and just for a consensus, any opinions on online new speaker purchases? If you're out of state, you automatically save the tax, and usually without a stores overhead can get a bit of a discount (10-20%). Should I ask the local high-end dealer to match this? After reading Robert Harley, I'm hesitant to ask a dealer to match a reputable (music direct) online dealers prices, or for any discount at all, as I don't want to be offensive, or annoy them. But I'm not affluent, have to wait for my bonus to buy, and have a two year old little girl that takes most of my funds, so every penny counts here. Lol
O.K. So I made a "Rogue" decision, and went Cronus Magnum II and kept the Vandersteen 1Ce's. I figured that since I really like the Vandersteen sound, and most agreed that I would hear a significant improvement overall with the better tube power. They are right. I am hearing more musicality out of my Vandersteen's. Now I am still on a mission to find the best bang for my buck in the speaker category. But this improves where I am, and gives me time to listen to more speakers, and save more money if need be. I won't say Revel's are completely out of the running. I do like an American made speaker, but maybe looking at the upgrade from the F36 up against the 2ce sig II. And adding the 2wq in the mean time maybe a temporary fix. Thanks for all the advice! It really helped. 
Glad to hear you are happy.  As you see, the amps are a huge part of the equation.  That little Vandy doesn't get the press it deserves. It's upside is outstanding. That said, the brand new 2's are in a different league. I have a friend who has a pair that he pairs with an Ayre AX5/20 like I use and he said that it sound better to him than any speaker he's heard under 4k with the same integrated.  I heard a dealer drop a pair of the 2c's into his ref system or all AR ref gear and I was blown away.  Speakers have a max point obviously, but when you get a speaker that has no smearing or box colorations, it's amazing how high a ceiling it has.  I say enjoy your 'new' 1's and audition as many speakers as you can.  You'll know when's it right to make a move.