Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
Had been eyeing Wilson Sabrinas for the past year ever since I heard them at CES 2016 but now I'm not so sure.

My Wadia 850CDP recently gave up the ghost and can't be revived anymore :-( so I had to look for a replacement. Settled on a PS Audio PWT and DSJ combo and just got them last Friday. Installed them and WOW!!!!!

Not sure I have heard my 3.6 sound this good! :-D

Current setup:

PWT >HDMI(I2S) > DSJ > MIT interconnect (not sure what model) > ARC LS2B > Cardas Balanced > Classes CA-200 > Purist Elementa > Thiel 3.6

I'm really enjoying my system. Can't wait till the digital front end breaks in :-)

Maybe I'll use the funds for the Sabrina on a new Pass Labs INT250 ;-)

Have a good one!
Good to see you-  jcatral14

I have been reading about Wadia owners not being able to get parts/service for their spinners? This is unacceptable, IMO.  Hope the company goes under soon.

While, I have not spent time w/ Sabrina, I did spend much time w/ the Sophia/Sasha models. Nice speakers that plays well (no pun) w/ tubed and ss gear. Look at the price one must spend, then, one must nail -down the correct gear and cabling (Transparent is the best).

I still preferred the CS 2.4, 2.4SE. 2.7 or 3.7 in Thiel over the Wilson.

Reading over your system- you have an interesting mix of Cabling!

Happy Listening!
Haha yes, interesting mix indeed but it works for me. I do plan to change them up over time and am partial to Cardas for the interconnects but love the Purist for my speaker cabling.

A Wilson may still be in the future for me but not in the immediate one :-)


Right On! Jay,

I have been around Audio long enough to learn that a proper mix of cabling can work, if carefully selected.  Happy Listening!