In case you’re keeping track, I recommended another pair of Vandersteen 1’s in a thread this morning. No doubt I’ll recommend at least another pair before the days over.Keeping track? I wouldn’t have to even if I was so inclined. But I am not surprised. You might be vying for Vandersteen shill of the year award. Or trying to sell them and not doing a very good job. I just wonder if your doing Mr. Vandersteen any good though.
Remember, I never said a bad word about them. I even said they are very good speakers but may not be the right speaker for the OP.
Again, I would never recommend a brand of speaker to anyone as they are that subjective and I would never be that presumptuous to know what's best for someone in the confines of an internet forum. My own, yours or another brand. You seem to have no problem though.
I would rather dispense sound audio advice. So we’ll let the OP decide because now I am pretty bored with you and your juvenile style of writing.
BTW, your posts would be much more coherent if you learned how to use the quote feature on this board. Its really simple - everybody knows how.