How good is the Technics 1200 Mk2 with all the KAb upgrades?

Guys while cleaning out my back room I found a new tech 1200 mk.2 that I bought years ago when kids were young- I forgot I even had it!!- It has pretty much all the KAB upgrades- How good a table is this compared to todays table- In other words how much would I need to spend to equal this table
If I keep it what upgrades would you recommend- thanks
If you have all the KAB upgrades (fluid damper, isonoe feets, external power supply, rewired tonearm and good rca phono cable) already done, all you need is just to invest in the mid or high compliance MM/MI cartridge, mat and clamp (or use it with stock rubber mat without clamp). Vintage cartridges like Grace F9-F, Stanton 881 or higher models, Glanz 31 or higher models, Grado Gold, Technics EPC-205c mk4 ... they are all works fine with rewired stock tonearm, if the compliance is high fluid damper will help. I'm pretty sure with the right MM cartridge and all the upgrades this turntable works fine. In case you want to use low compliace MC cartridges you need to replace the tonearm (Jelco fits well and not expensive), but i wouldn't do that, high compliance MM on the stock arm works great. In my experience this turntable with upgrades is good with MM (it was designed for MM). If you want much better turntable just buy another one like the Technics SP-20 (i curently have one for sale) or SP10mk2 with ability to use custom plinth and any tonearm (including 12 inch tonearms). I would not use expensive tonearm on SL1200 mk2 turntable.    
Hi Fluffers,

I had the SL-1200MKII with the tonearm wiring, fluid damper, upgraded mat, and clamp upgrades. It was a nice turntable, not quite on par with a Sota Cosmos IV that I owned at the same time, but very similar sounding. I did not get the outboard motor for the Technics, which I think would have made a positive difference. I think it all depends on your listening preferences. I saw in another thread that you just bought a Joule amp. When I had my Joule, I ended up selling the Technics and Sota, and got a modified Lenco idler drive table, with no regrets. The Lenco has more tonal weight and toe tapping drive, which in my opinion was a very nice compliment to the Joule sound.

@fluffers, I agree with the two above posts.
Any of you long timers on Audiogon remember psychicanimal from the original Audiogon? He had a tweaked out 1200 Mk.2 with all the KAB upgrades and it sounded fantastic! There was a lot written about it in the forums fro long ago, I don't know if that information is still available on the current Audiogon.
I have an MkII with the Kabusa upgrades described above, I use it with a Paradox Pulse 103R (requires additional extended weight for tonearm). For my 2 c, for the money it's an excellent TT. I use it primarily for playing 45 rpm vinyl and any vinyl that may be dished or slightly warped. The clamp is a Michell.  For reference my main deck is a MS RX5000. 
In your situation, given it's new and a sunk's a great find and I would put to straight to use! :)