Teo Game-Changer IC's - get on the bus!

I wrote an extremely long review of 4 cables auditioned in my system recently. I pontificated for way too long and it was more an outlet for me to tell a story that cables do matter and how much each design can make your system sound. The last cable through was the Teo GC IC purchased here and it truly was a game-changer in how it shifts our paradigm about what wire gives us as "truth" and what this slurry of Ga-In-Sn can do better (IMO). Not a technical review but an emotional roller coaster through 4 different topologies:


I'm happy to re-broadcast that here but it is very long (6+ MSWord pages long). I'll point to it for now and take your advice.

Bottom line is the GC cable is truly stunning in what it can do and for us mere mortals who cannot spend thousands on cabling, I believe it can elevate anyone's system to new heights.


128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xbugredmachine
No. You midunderstand. Of the folks i personally know who have tried them they likevthem. I have no idea about people i dont personally know since i am not conversing directly with them. So in terms of real numbers, maybe 5 audiopools i personally know and of them only one has rejected them. Not anecdoctal.  i cannot speak to others here who i do not know nor converse with. You should go back and read my words where i say personally know (not all who venture here).
Jay, i trust mantis and he gave it a fair shot. No harm, no foul. I agree, it's how it goes with system interaction. 

He is an outlier and can be thrown away. A test or evaluation in and of itself means practically nothing.
Works for us (re someone else buying them)....Teo will honour the warranty transfer, in this case.

Warranty valid only in North America.

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