Has anyone compared K150 tubes and the stock EL34s in Primaluna integrated/amplifiers?

I have a Primaluna Dialogue HP Premium with stock EL34s.  When the EL34s wear out, which I suspect will be a long time, what would I replace them with?  The KT150 is intriguing to me. 

Has anyone compared these tubes, especially in Primaluna gear?  I'm wondering if I would lose the EL34s midrange in exchange for the increased power of KT150s.  It's hard to find, however, a bad review of anyone using KT150s. 

Thanks all!  
What did you think of the Cifte 12AU7 and reissue Mullard EL34 JB?  I tried this combo and found it sounds very good but lacking in bass weight. Overall the sound was very clear and concise but the Mullard doesn't have the bass of even the stock PL EL34.
@ samzx12

I have had the Mullard El34 Reissues in the PL Dialogue Prem Int Amp and felt the bass was ok. My biggest issue were cymbals(high freq) sounding rolled off at times. I then ordered the GL Kt77 and felt the treble was excellent and so far the bass is a little bit better, but I still need more break in. I only have about 70hours. Supposedly they need over 100hrs for the bass to appear.

I just recently got Cifte 12au7's. They have over 100hrs on them. I was surprised how smooth they were. I find them to be very musical. I was expecting from everything I read to be a thin, overly revealing type tube. They are not the thickest sounding , but are also not what I would call thin. I feel they are JUST RIGHT.
Great question regarding the Ciftes. 

When I had 4 of the 6 tubes being Ciftes, I felt that the sparkle and top end air were great but I felt there was a need for some syrup in the midrange and the low end was more subtle. 

I found two combinations worked well. 

1. Center two slots Cifte 12au7s, next inner two slots RCA black plates, and outer two slots any decent tube. 

2.  Center two slots Cifte, next four slots stick Primaluna 12au7s. 

This was kind of a blessing discovery because 6 Ciftes across the board are pricey. 

Just 2 Ciftes seems to be right in my room with my setup. 

Now, I can't say too much about the Mullard reissue EL34s as I had them in s week and then Gold Lion KT88s in for about a week. I will say though that the reissue EL34s were great to my ears, same as the GLs. 

I was was really surprised with the reissue Mullards. They sounded great to me. Tighter and more control than the stock PL EL34s. 

The KT77 is a good tube with plenty of bass however, I didn't hear it takes that long to break in.  I will take your word for it. Maybe the Mullards need more break in time but its noticeable that it doesn't have the bass output of the stock EL34 or KT77.  Aniwolfe what kind of speakers do you have?

The Cifte in my system do sound well however, they don't have the lushness of some other 12AU7's I have tried. I put in some Psvane in the front slots with good results. I will add that I got some GL KT88 and letting them break in and boy do I have some bass now.  Its too early to tell and will report back once they have more hours but so far the mids are nice. Not quite the stock PL EL34 but nice.

@ samzx12

Yes from everything I have read the Kt 77’s take 100-200 hrs for the bass to appear. My speakers are Eminent Technolgoy Lft-8b’s.

I’ll trade lush for some more air and separation with the Ciftes so far one my favorite 12au7 in the middle slot. I do like however the Tungsram 12au7 and the NEC Mullards quite a bit also.