what is your proceedure for setting up u'r system?

My experience suggests, that most people haven't a clue as to where to start, nor what they are doing, in setting up properly engineered audio/video system! At least, however, they might know what pieces of gear they want, but then have no idea how to implement what they end up with.
Anyone want to share their "thought processes" in setting up a multichannel HT/music system in a home environement?...what considerations do you take into acount?...what goals do you have with your gear/room?...where do the speakers/seats go?...how should I set up my processor?...acoustics?...tpes of gear?...system setup and lineconditioning?...why?...etc..
right on nrchy. while auditioning real music on speakers i often had to compete with thundering booms from the home theater room. personally i like to relax to movies not be assualted by them.
I think you missed my point. If you think your current system is better than your Sonus Faber system you obviously
have no clue.

I first got into ht 5 yrs ago. Htib, then some best buy stuff after that. I considered it as a hobby, but when i was allowed to go deeper(wife is the best). I finished my basement and purchased my system and put in together, case closed.

Now i did put thought into room symetry when i started, but of course there always has to be a dam stair case or a playroom for the kids in the way, but worked w what i had.

Bass mgt, room treatments, speaker placement, etc were terms i didnt even know existed. Most of which i obtained form your threads here on the gon.(some of which had me rolling on the floor when you get into it w other Goners.) I can honestly say that my system sounds 200% better today than from my initial set up. You showed me how crossover, speaker settings, placement can be the biggest "upgrade" as far as return on investment in this wacky hobby.

The one thing i have not done and its just because i dont know where to start is room treatments. Where place or if needed or not needed etc.

Anyways, when i saw that you initiated this thread i had to thank you for all your posts and help. I had a new 6 cyl base model mustang when i started, but your posts alone have turned it into a 500hp Shelby Cobra..

Thanks again...Dzigon
I have a question - how far into a room should the listening position be?

My room is approx 16' deep and 13' wide. Speakers are about 8' apart and the *drivers* are about 4' from
the front wall only actually 2' from the wall a s they are quite deep.

Is the distance a factor of the overall depth of the room, or distance from the back wall?
Krellm7, thanks for your professional insight.
Are you the resident Sonus faber expert, and 2 channel guru, by any chance?
Yada, yada...yes, my older 2 channel systems had better resolve, speaker per speakers, sure. The overall efffect, dynamics, coherence, involvement, envelopement, impact, and excitement factor of my system, is WAY BETTER in my multi-channel set up now, to be sure! Sorry, I know better..