Audio is very personal and I have seen people being depressed by the sound they had. They had any reason to be upset. It is caused by the lack of knowledge and missing true dedication in audio of those people who work in audio for their personal benefit.
I love music and audio and I do this with full dedication and passion. This is a thing what is not common anymore. I could not do it on the way most people do it.
I want people to be treaten as a human being and not as a number. People need to learn to have respect for their clients. I have to agree that it is difficult for me to be nice to the people who screw their clienst which I met.
When audio is only business for you, you will never become happy with your job. And you never will be able to add anything in this world. I think it would be time for these people to look for another job.
Many people in audio still think it is 1980. They often only sell stereo. And believe cd players are the way to go these days. They did not develope them and never grow with time.
I started to work in audio in 1998 and now in 2017 it is a different world. And there are so much more options and techniques what can create a superior level compared to 1998.
Most people in audio are not able to grow with time and have been stuck all this time. This has a negative influence on people who are interested in audio.
The other negative part is the low quality we see and hear in many products these days. This will also have a negative influence on people who are interested in audio and music.
They way people work and think in audio it will never get better, but worse. When you don’t change there is no way back.
Only doing it differently and more focussed on the needs of people there is a chance it could change.
But when you keep it the way it works now, it only will increase. I think there is nothing to loose. So give people more quality and a honest advice.