Power an amp and component with batteries instead of direct outlet power?

Hi neighbors,

It is common for guitarists and bassists to use batteries in their effect pedals because the pedals sound quieter and easier on the ear.   

Why not connect several car batteries that are charged enough for 90 minutes and power a transformer with enough wattage for my entire audio rack?  Or buy a budget battery power rig designed to power music racks?

I've heard the difference and using battery power is better in effect pedals.
What about gas powered amps? Nuclear? Some limitations maybe, but might sound fabulous.
My TW Acustic AC3 is powered by Batteries and uses wall current when batteries are low you can clearly hear the difference.
" What about gas powered amps? Nuclear? Some limitations maybe, but might sound fabulous. "

If you want the best sound possible, electric eel's are the way to go. I have yet to hear anything that tops bio electric power.
The clock in my dac is battery powered and the sound is much more solid (grounded, coherent).  Clocks are very sensitive to noise.  
Stromtank seems like a great concept.  And as mentioned Living Voice created a battery/inverter system to show their products at shows and eliminate power issues at the venue.  What about using a Telsa Power Wall with a very intelligently built / audiophile grade inverter to deliver sufficient quantities of AC power to all critical components in a dedicated listening room.  Might need to hire someone to design/build the inverter.  Any downside to this approach? (not worrying about cost for the sake of this conceptual discussion).