ELROD new MASTER SERIES Statement Gold,a true surprise; changes the game considerably

ELROD new MASTER SERIES Statement Gold Power Cord:

Installed ONE of these in the system today on my Esoteric A-02 power amp to replace a 2 year old Elrod Statement Gold next-gen cable as a test.

Cable was cooked for 6 days and then rounded out by David on his system to a full 2 weeks of burn-in. 

To say the design changes are major would be a huge understatement....double the width of the widest ribbons used to date and double the count over what was already his latest generation design for Statement Gold; that's all that can be said. Furutech's latest FI-50 NCF connectors are utilized as they were determined to be superior to anything else available.

Within the first 12 hours the phrase (which I've only used once before for any cable) "component-level upgrade" came to mind. It's as if my amp had been further upgraded along with my entire system. This is no exaggeration and I'm surprised at the uplift from a single power cord from the level I already was experiencing. All frequency bands experienced significant changes for the better, an already 3-dimensional wrap-around soundstage on most recordings became an even more dense, musical energy-filled 3D wrap-around deeply immersive soundstage on EVERY recording, every note, voice, etc...became even more real and life-like, inner detail increased on most material (already have tons of inner detail thanks to the TAD R1s), musical energy increased in the room and the listener is pulled even deeper into the recording. I found myself rewinding or starting tracks over many times as the surprise factor with this change was extremely high.

I had talked to a couple of guys who had gone this route picking up this brand new cable family in the last month; they were saying that the Master Series Golds eclipsed the Diamond and MBX2 families of cables and simply blew the doors off the latest Statement Gold generation. That all sounded hard to believe (particularly the part about eclipsing MBX2 and Diamond/X2; after 12 hours, I do believe it to be true...

Tough part about the Elrod line is the website has not been updated in a long, long time as more time is spent on design and build than on marketing. My advice is to reach out to me or others using these cables and get some candid conversations going. Also, you can easily reach David Elrod via phone / email; he's a wealth of knowledge and will discuss cables, music, system design/synergy with any serious audio-nut.

It's been a very surprising day!
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xzephyr24069
I'm glad to read that you are enjoying your new Elrod Master Series Statement Gold power cords zephyr!

I can't imagine that I will ever get the chance to listen to one, though I have had a few very old Elrod EPS-2/3 Signature and Statement cords in my system over the years.
One day I may hit the lottery, so there is always a chance. ;^)

I just saw a Elrod Statement Gold cord pop up for sale on the used market.
Though I might have been tempted, as it's price is pretty high for me, but not unthinkable.

Your comment in the opening post: 

Master Series Golds simply blew the doors off the latest Statement Gold generation.

managed to remove any gnawing temptations. Thank you!

Enjoy your awesome system!!
JMC,...it's great to hear from you. Just to clarify that in my original post, the phrase "blew the doors off..." was a quote of what others with the cables compared to MBX2 and Diamond had told me. My opinion is somewhat different in that the Statements Golds I own would stay in place in my system and never be upgraded as they were giving me everything I ever looked for in terms of performance, imaging, musicality of the final result of the speakers, etc.... What the Masters Series gives me are the bits that I did not know my equipment was capable of rendering, i.e. what I've mentioned below and that I've only heard from the most expensive SET gear on 2 very rarefied systems ever before.  
I have been saying, for years,  that cables and power cords are fun!
Aren't they?  Happy Listening!