How often do you clean cables? And which types do you clean most often?

So, how often do you clean your cables? Such as with Deoxit or other cleaning solution?
- weekly?
- monthly?
- annually?
- other?
- never?

And do some types of cables benefit more than others from cleaning? I'm thinking analog cables such as interconnects and speaker cables might need cleaning more often than digital cables such as coax and USB. What's your experience here?

Also, when you clean cables, do you also clean the connectors on the units? Such as RCA or speaker outputs and inputs?

Lastly, for now, I mentioned Deoxit among cleaning solutions. If you do clean cables, what are your favorite products and why?

Dave, who also wonders if cleaning matters less or is simply more difficult with XLR jacks and connectors
Post removed 
I have never cleaned cables. Brush my teeth twice a day though. And dust my broom as often as I can.

Someone should start a professional cable termination, component socket and tube pin cleaning service.  Perhaps a franchise to cover as much territory as possible. So you send a van a guy or women in a jumpsuit with logos, fully armed with the best cleaning stuff there is,  to perform this service at your residence. ? crowd source?  

Should you clean the pins of tubes in your tube collection if currently idle? I do roll them in once in a while, never know which will strike me as the next to employ.

I recently improved the detail and clarity of my system by simply unplugging all my PC's and then reinserting them. 
And it was no placebo effect.