I need a good Preamp

My current system:
Preamp:           MAC C2300
Amps:              Krell FPB 350mcx mono blocks
Speakers:        B+W 801 Series II

My MAC C2300 just quit working and really I need it in another room to pair with a MAC MC452 once it gets repaired. So, I need suggestions on what will mate up well with my Krells? I would like to spend $8k or less but I would consider going higher. I am thinking a line stage even though I did use the phono on the MAC some. I plan to add a phono amp to my system later. I just play cds with this system. Reading on this forum I sort of lean towards a used ARC 5SE or maybe a Cary SLP05 but I am open to suggestions. There are no audio shops close to me so I will be buying without getting to demo anything. I'm not too knowledgeable on stereo gear so I need some help. Thanks for the responses.
stfoth, I appreciate the good post. It is helpful. Not really being an audiophile I only upgrade my stuff every so often and it is really time for a new preamp. I could use some speakers as well but one thing at a time. I am reading a lot on the forums and educating myself and everything I have heard about Cary has been very good. I have had some good preamp suggestions so I am reading up on them. I will be doing something soon as I have had to fire up the old Marantz 4400 and the Cornwalls. A bit of a step down....

lowrider57, I am not very familiar with atmaspheres. Do you have some or have experience with them?

Top of the line products, just read the reviews and search the archives for user comments.
AtmaSphere gear comes up for sale in the Classifieds and at US Audio Mart.
@wemfan,  Atma-Sphere produced the first balanced line products for high end audio. That was back in the mid 1980s.
BTW wemfan, Atmaspere makes a simple 6SN7 based preamp that can include a  phonostage  (MM I think"?).  You can always pickup a MC stage.  You know Graham Slee makes affordable excellent phono stages. I own the Gram amp 2 SE, its great.  No financial or other relation ship with either vendor mentioned.. 
Have you tried a Krell preamp? there is a synergy to components that are designed to work together. I have had a KSA200s and a FPB300, and have used them both with a updated Counterpoint SA5000 and a Krell KRC 3. In the end I chose the Krell KRC 3. I to listen to loud rock as well as solo piano. I did not miss the warm wooly feel of tubes.