Has anyone on this forum broke open an SR black fuse and analyzed what it is made of and constructed?What are you trying to do, ruin a good thread? For Pete's sake, what is everyone going to write about if these are nothing more than ceramic-body, sand-filled, Bussman type fuses? All the build-up, all the suspense, all the speculation - what new color will SA choose for their next "greatest sounding ever" fuse causing all fusers to sell-off and buy-up; how will we be "blinded by science" with how a new fuse inexplicably breaks barriers never thought possible when applying simple physics, natural laws, and scientific principles; what types of bees will AM use next....all the possibilities of profound system improvements to be gained by adding "audiophile approved" fuses, lost in the blink of a voltage surge.
A similar thing happened when some cable folks began to open up their cables....you mean cables are nothing more than wire soldered or crimped to connectors that I can purchase from on-line vendors? It was like finding out there is no Santa Claus. What's left to believe in?