Anyone going Phantom Center Channel?

Just wondering if anyone out there is skipping the center channel and running in phantom? I have a pair of A-1 soundlabs with pretty big soundstage and dispersion and am thinking of just running rear surround for when I watch movies and skipping the center channel. Anyone out there doing this?
Lance_s...With the Maggie (or any line array speaker) on its side, the dispersion is all wrong.
Another point..Although I am a strong advocate of having a center speaker identical to the mains, this reflects my music listening. For movies there is some advantage in a center speaker with limited and/or shaped frequency response which makes speech more inteligible. Such a speaker is easier to place, and does not have to be regarded as a compromise (for movies).
I dont think useing a unmatched center is a cut and dry compromise and respectfully say that is a sorta snobish view. I run a matched center but have not been able to in past for various reasons and if you pay careful attention to what you picking it can be just great, speakers or Processors with volume pots and tone controls further makes matching easier. While I dont want to get into the Blind Test debate I doubt many would be able to call out a carefully selected non matched center if the had no knowledge of what they were hearing. Get what you can afford, do your best to mate it and purchase a better option when one presents itself. For your system I would say if you want to try an option for center look into the Eminent Technology center channel, I ran a Magnepan center with my Innersound Stats and liked the reaults.
Never went the surround sound route, always been a 2-spkr guy. IF I feel the need for 'center-fill' (which I've always felt to be unneccesary), I simply turn the volume of my TV UP!!!;)

I will ultimately be running front projection in the room but I like your thinking. I am going to run a surround for movies. I do like the rear fill, doors slamming, cars running past, that sort of thing. My goal was to just eliminate the center if possible during movies. The A-1's have a really wide dispersion and sound stage so I thought they might be perfect for going without a center channel. Either way, I think I will give it a shot, see if I am missing anything. Might save me from having to purchase a 3 channel amp and a center channel :-)!