its never simple but great fun especially when you find the golden nugget that improves your system even more than you could imagine , i find cables and isolation a very interesting and necessary components, we leave the designing to the designers the results to the reviewers and then theirs the dealers, DIY is a great area to try and save money but in the long run its probably better to leave it to the professionals but which product or idea do you drop your money on , for mains cables i use jps labs for signal cables clearer audio and townshend audio from the UK and isolation i have found my golden nugget in townshend audio they have been designing 50 years they do not believe in aftermarket power cables but agree signal cables are very important as is correct isolation i use there DCT isolda i believe they were the first to use cyro treatment which has been further improved with the f1 fractal cable it makes very interesting reading when you visit there website but then so does every other manufacturer , the most important thing i believe is home auditions and maybe stick with the companies thats been around for decades they must be doing something right, i also like all the furutech products so electrical contact points is another big area for discussion this is looking like i need to start another discussion