Help w/ preamp

Hey guys!

A while back I posted about my search for an amp...I got a ton of great suggestions and had decided on demo'ing Parasound and Anthem. I found a local Parasound dealer here in Pasadena, and I was FLOORED. I have been using a Marantz SR 7011, connected to a full Martin Logan setup: Ethos fronts, motif x center, motion 40 rears. I felt like I had never really heard my speakers once they cranked up the Parasound. I told them my budget and they introduced me to the KRELL CHORUS, oh man. They had a floor model for sale, as they were making room for a new 7 channel. The sound was similar, but I felt like the bass had more punch, and they made me an amazing deal - something I have yet to find online (lucky me I suppose).  So, after that long's a few questions:

1. I am currently using RCA instead of XLR, as the Marantz AVR doesn't have both. I am sure I am losing some audio quality here correct?
2. I am thinking about adding the Martin Logan AFX (atmos) speakers soon - but since the Krell is 5 channels, I would have to run them through the Marantz - is that a "bad" idea?
3. The store I bought the Krell from recommended I swap to the Marantz 8802 as a pre, and use a 2 channel amp to power the atmos - something like a Parasound A23, which I see fairly cheap on here. Or, I could just sell my 5200, and buy a 7200 (there's a good one on here).

I guess, my main concerns - will the sound seem "different" or "uneven" getting amplified from different sources? Whether it be Krell + Marantz, or Krell + Parasound. And, would I be losing quality running anything through the AVR (I know they are just atmos speakers, but still) as opposed to using a dedicated power amp?

Any and all advice is appreciated. Thanks@


I think your Marantz SR 7011 is definitely the weak link here. The Marantz 8802a is significantly better in all areas. It doesn’t waste power supply on amplifier boards (since it’s a preamp/processor only). It does actually have true balanced outputs. Technically speaking, the 8802 is single-ended from the DAC chips to the DAC I/V stage. The I/V uses op amps, but the 8802a has fully discrete analog circuits for the output buffer. These analog output circuits actually convert the single-ended signal from the DAC to a fully balanced/differential signal, so the XLR cables on this unit will definitely be superior.

I suppose you could consider the Marantz 7703 if you wanted the new bells & whistles (like HEOS), but you’d be losing some sound quality over the 8802a.

As far as matching amplifier for your Atmos height speakers, I don’t think it’s so critical. In my opinion, the most critical speakers that need to be exactly matched are left/center/right. I actually have completely different speakers for surround (I use B&W Diamond for l/c/r and some Focal speakers for surround). As long as the resolution/character are similar enough, you should be fine.  Of course, you wouldn't want to pair something like a McIntosh or tube amp for height speakers.  The Parasound A23 should be fine.

@auxinput, thanks for the response. The 7011 does HEOS, but I don't use it really, so I'm not too worried about that. Budget wise, after buying the Krell and doing other upgrades, the 7703 is more in my range right now....of course, I could wait. What would be the main difference between the 7703 and 8802? 

And would switching over from the 7011 even make a substantial difference? Or is not even worth the trouble of selling my unit and buying another, installing, etc? Thanks again!

Looking at the AV8802a:

The 8802a has a much better power supply. You can see it also has the 13 individual discrete analog channel boards in the chassis from left-to-right.

Inside the AV7703:

The 7703 still has 13 analog channels, and they are still fully balanced/differential. However, they are all mounted on one board and the analog circuits are trimmed down. Think of the 7703 as a trimmed down 8802. You can see that there’s a lot of empty space in the 7703 when compared to 8802a.

Subjectively speaking, the 7703 is probably around 90-95% of the sound quality of the 8802a. I would put your SR7011 receiver at around 70-80% of the 8802a. It all comes down to how soon you feel you need to do an upgrade, and whether you feel you can live with what you have now. If it were me, I would skip the 7703 and go for the 8802 sound quality, even if it meant waiting for 6-12 months. I wouldn’t want to skimp since were dealing with the high resolution Krell Chorus. Would you consider a used 8802a? They are going for around $2600 nowadays.

I always try to use XLR cable runs - if short and not much elec. noise near them then RCAs will be fine.

I like a good ARC tube pre with a SS amp...

Marantz makes good products but an upgrade may make sense - listen before paying (buy from a place that allows returns).

Speakers & Room Treatments are the most important parts of improved sound.
@auxinput, yes, I would consider used. would just need to sell my 7011 as well :) 

@randy-11, i have a very short cable run - the AVR is one shelf above the Krell - so I could be okay w/ RCA?

i am thinking of doing some room treatment - its a living room w/ all wooden floors and several big windows...though, they're typically covered by drapes when watchign movies. i am thinking a good first addition would be a floor rug. think that would help at all?