Driving me crazy

Wow where do I begin.
About seven years ago I drove the volume up on my amps to high on accident and popped the bass drivers on my dynaudio c-4 speakers. Sent them in to dyn and had them fixed. Seven years later and two different systems, acoustic treatments, new speakers, cables, cd player, moved the system four different places in the room and the left side always has more bass and sounds crystal clear. Now here is the cool part, if I switch the speaker cables on one end of the amp or pre out at the preamp the right side gets better.
Sometimes I move things around and it plays good for a day or two then goes right back to it. When I am sitting in front of the speakers and change the balance on the pre-amp I can clearly hear the difference.
The only thing I have left is something in the AC power, and I did have it checked.
I could go on and on about all the things I have tried in seven years, but it would take me a month to explain it all and I figured no one would believe this story anyway. Next up is a priest.
I can tell you a little is my room and I know that, my hearing is fine but I am ready to get a baseball bat and put an end to my misery. If anyone has a good suggestion I'm all ears.
Speakers  Dynaudio C-4   Tyler acoustics DX1    Aperion t-5
CD players   Simaudio  Andromeda  - supernova and a harmon kardon
Amps  Simaudio W-10 monos  Adcom GF5500  
pre-amps  Simaudio p-8   Simaudio P-5  and even tried a Dspeaker dual core
Cables   MIT oracles  went to Transparent ref  to assorted interconnects and anticables speaker cables
If I spend any more money on this system my wife may divorce me.
Thanks in advance.
Thank you for all your suggestions.
The room was causing some of the problem, I have moved everything 180 degrees and have the system caddy corner in the room. I received my new speakers yesterday and everything is playing beautiful now, so the dyns may have had a problem.
I was starting to wonder myself about my hearing, and at fifty five years old im sure its not the best. But at the time being everything is playing great.


If I spend any more money on this system my wife may divorce me.

So spend some more $$ quickly.

The "half" she takes in the divorce may be the culprit

I just did on a new pair of speakers, now i have to take her on a vacation. (not a bad deal)
Everything is playing great, the only problem now is if i move the speakers more than six feet apart everything starts to move to the left side again. I guess i just have to live with it in my Frankenstein of a room.