Blu Ray over/under $

Sony announced the release of a blu ray DVD player for this summer along with some disc releases. What's your guess of how much it will cost upon intial release? How much would you pay to get one or would you get one at all?
Mr. F-Lamb- I tried to sell you but there weren't any buyers.

I have doubts about hi def DVDs making it in the long run. AS far as hi def DTS and Dolby- currently available data stream rates arent fully utilized in almost all soundtracks and after sitting throguh both dolby HD and DTS HD demos at CES- I cant tell any difference at all.

I do like the DTS 2006 demo disk though- quite the cool freebie.
Jaybo....Warner and Paramount are Blu Ray supporters also whats your point exactly?
Universal minus 8 studios = very weak support for hd question there.
And Blu Ray also has a huge harware support advantage to boot.

Rysa, my Optoma pj although 720p, accepts a full 1080p digital input now, and by this summer/fall, there will be lots opf 1080p displays that accept 1080p.
But your right, other than the average Joes who geta BD player by default with there PS3, there won't be many average consumers buying either format for at least a few years in any great numbers.
Jaybo...none of these studios are doing hd dvd
Columbia Tri Star
Buena Vista
Lions Gate
Sony Pictures
With only Universal holding out on Blu Ray, and that highly expected to change soon.
All other studios have dual support which gives Blu Ray over 90% support, and HD dvd less than 40%
Here are some Blu Ray player pics

Here are some Blu Ray player/recorder pics