My expirience has lead me to Stillpoints Ultra 5 under my very heavy Rockport Hyperion speakers, as well as the rest of my system.
I beleave that the vibrations in the speakers must be dealt with and one way to do that is to form the vibrationenergy into another form eg heat.
On top of the Hyperion i have a woodbox wich contains 14 cambers where i have 4 kinds of diffrent quartz sand and some lead pellets. The diffrent sand isent mixed so its very "liquid" and cannot be compressed. The idear was,that when the sand is set in motion by the vibrations in the speakercabinet, the sand makes friktion and thereby heat and the vibration energy is transformed into heat.
It is a very simple box to build and works very very well, although the aesthetic can be discussed.
I tried to make small versions of the boxes and placed them on my tube gear, this dampend the sound som much that the life was taken out of the music so some ballance is needes, when daming. Ebonywood blocks have proven very musicall.
Another importaint tweak for me was to have all the quipment and all cabels removed from the floor to the wall, in order to brake the direct pfysical contact between the vibretions in the floor and the equipment. My floor containt of a concretplate of ca 11 tons which is isolatet and somehow floating by styropor insulation to the ground and the walls.
Happy lisining.
I beleave that the vibrations in the speakers must be dealt with and one way to do that is to form the vibrationenergy into another form eg heat.
On top of the Hyperion i have a woodbox wich contains 14 cambers where i have 4 kinds of diffrent quartz sand and some lead pellets. The diffrent sand isent mixed so its very "liquid" and cannot be compressed. The idear was,that when the sand is set in motion by the vibrations in the speakercabinet, the sand makes friktion and thereby heat and the vibration energy is transformed into heat.
It is a very simple box to build and works very very well, although the aesthetic can be discussed.
I tried to make small versions of the boxes and placed them on my tube gear, this dampend the sound som much that the life was taken out of the music so some ballance is needes, when daming. Ebonywood blocks have proven very musicall.
Another importaint tweak for me was to have all the quipment and all cabels removed from the floor to the wall, in order to brake the direct pfysical contact between the vibretions in the floor and the equipment. My floor containt of a concretplate of ca 11 tons which is isolatet and somehow floating by styropor insulation to the ground and the walls.
Happy lisining.