What ever happened to Krell ?

I know they're still in business but it seems to me they've lost their hiend status they once had.
I might be wrong ,but looking at their products of late the build quality and visual appeal looks cheaper.
Undisclosed? Technically maybe so. But cost considerations completely rule all policy at Krell for some time. Only less expensive versions of what came before (that hasn’t been deleted altogether), heavily discounted by their shrinking group of dealers, are their reality. The anchor will continue on it’s way downwards until selling it is more profitable then bleeding it for cash. A matter of when - not if. This is what happen when a particularly soulless & aggressively unimaginative firm takes over. Its time for it to be put out of its misery and/or let someone ease reincarnate it into something better (difficult to not do so). Perversely fascinating to see how the mighty have fallen, but beyond that......
John 1 has come out of retirement apparently to enlighten us on the ways of audio!  Jeepers, thanks so much audio guru guy...I'll bet you have added a lot of insight over the years.  Can't wait to read your other informative posts.  What?  No posts?  Darn...I'll just have to suffer in darkness.
I actually bought a Chorus 5200 a month or so ago and I am blown away. I feel like I'm hearing my ML electrostats for the first time. But I had only been using an AVR the whole time, no dedicated power amp. I did an a/b w/ Parasound at the store I bought from, and I slightly preferred the Krell. I got a steal on the floor model which also led to my decision. I must say, I think the build quality is excellent, and mine actually has an all black faceplate - the shop I purchased from had Krell install rack ears, and they swapped the faceplate. So, for me, I love the look too! I'm a newbie though, so take that for what its worth LOL
Can anyone point me to one of the big krell discounting dealers. I'm looking for a duo 125 or 175. Thanks! You can private message me too! 
To anyone who is a Dan D'Agostino fan, go audition one of his current amps from D'Agostino Master Audio Systems. I did, and bought an S-250. I found it more musical in my system, and to my ears, than at least a dozen competitors, both tube and solid state.