Best "laid-back" speaker cable & interconnects for all Naim system?

Looking for suggestions on speaker cable and interconnects that are both laid-back and warm, but have excellent low bass response, depth and punch.

Just got a used Nait 5i (with NACA5’s) and have been listening over the past week. Rest of my gear is a Naim CD3.5 and Vandersteen 2C’s.

OMG, are these NACA5’s harsh and flat or what! Anyone else experience this? I think I have all mids and nothing in the highs and lows. No don’t get me wrong, there is some bass punch, but not like my previous Creek 5350SE and 4330SE.

To balance everything out, I either need to resell the Nait and get an integrated that is more laid-back with excellent low bass response and punch (like the 4330SE... yes, I miss her) or try and find the equivalent in speaker cables and interconnects? If that is even possible? 
" To balance everything out, I either need to resell the Nait and get an integrated that is more laid-back with excellent low bass response and punch (like the 4330SE... yes, I miss her) or try and find the equivalent in speaker cables and interconnects? If that is even possible? "

I had the 5350SE and the 5i. Also have Vandersteen Models 1, 2 and 3's. The problem is the 5i. Its just not good enough for Vandersteen's. It doesn't produce clean power. Your Creek was a much better amp.

For now, if you back off on the tweeter 1db and run 2 sets of identical speaker cables and double biwire, that should make it more listenable. It doesn't have to be anything expensive, a small spool of Monster or AQ should be fine. Eventually, it would probably be best to switch to higher quality solid core cables, but not now because cables won't overcome the Naim's weaknesses.
If sfall is correct about the Nait amp, then adding cables is the wrong approach. The Nait produces 50wpc, but it may not have the current required to drive the Vandersteen's. That means it's not a good match for these speakers.
Care to weigh in,  sfall?
I don't think wattage is the problem. The 4330SE I had prior was 50wpc too and it was plenty for the Vandys. The 5i is plenty loud and clean... the problem is that it doesn't balance right (to my ears) with the rest of my gear.