hi Geoff Kait
sorry its my bad literature when i said fill i did not mean fill as in to top up , i meant to say felt , just to add more fun to the situation , my seismic platforms arrived , i placed a granite slab 400/500/30mm on the carpet , then the seismic platform size 1 spring A on top with a single component then placed on the platform and the results was another step in the same direction of the podiums much more music , i then used my clearlight audio RDC 1.2 cones and basses between the platform and the chassis of the component and the sound improved even more dynamics focus clarity imaging sound stage basically everything audiophiles are looking for improved , i must say the seismic isolation products for me was the biggest upgrade my system has ever experienced but how strange the RDC cones and basses improved another element of the sound , the seismic products especially the podiums are the clear winners and should be for the money, but the RDC cones and bases performed even better with the seismic platforms contributing to an incredible listening experience. I replaced the RDC cones and bases for the final durama but i found the combination with the springs to detailed with what i heard as a slight distortion to the higher frequencies but very nice bass how crazy is that , taking the duramas out i have settled on the seismic isolation platform with 3 RDC 1.2 cones with bases but the duramas still did something to the bass that was quite extraordinary but they let there selves down every where else , maybe i may replace the RDC cones with stillpoints and see where that goes on there, i tried stillpoints before and found the performance was not for me , it just goes to prove one size does not fit all , experimenting various ideas on there own and combined can give great results this lovely audiophile life is fascinating and never ending , i strongly believe isolation is a huge area that needs addressing , i found starting with my speakers on the spring type idea worked for me , the springs were then very good under the equipment but then going back to some older ideas i had put aside as being not good enough actually worked much better with the springs but the cheap ball bearing idea actually took the springs into a backward step but a forward step in the bass, so maybe a better bearing product like stillpoints with the springs will be audio heaven, for now im really enjoying the springs and RDC products under my electronics but by miles the springs on there own under the speakers or maybe i could try the RDC cones or stillpoints as well there who knows that combination could be complete audio heaven , please do not think for one minute the seismic isolation products did not do the job to an amazing level with which one would be 100% satisfied with the results, but slightly tweaking with other ideas as well proved even more beneficial adding different flavors that seemed more tasty when mixed with springs its all getting really fascinating because my system is playing like it never has done before by a huge margin good luck with your journey ignore isolation and you will never really get there i didn't in 35 years of trying