DIY phono loading plugs question

What value resistor (?) would I need to create a 100 ohm phono loading plug for my cartridge? My Ayon Polaris 3 preamp uses RCA plugs for cartridge loading.  I've got some RCA plugs ready and now just need to figure out what value resistors I would need to solder into the plugs to get to 100 ohms.
The input impedance of the Polaris III’s phono input when no loading plug is connected does not appear to be specified. I suspect, however, that it is vastly higher than 100 ohms, perhaps 47,000 ohms or even much more. (I note that an input impedance spec of 1,000,000 ohms is stated, which I suspect corresponds to its line-level inputs).

Assuming that is the case (and you might want to confirm that assumption by contacting Ayon), using a 100 ohm resistor would result in a total load impedance that is within a small fraction of an ohm of 100 ohms.

-- Al

omg i did not realize he was trying to do that to a 47k ohm mm phono section - LOL

well, never mind..... :)