Integrateds, which one??????????????

I am looking at several different integrateds and am getting a headache.  I would really like remote ,phono and headphone but can deal with the phono and headphone issue if need be.  The speakers for now are older Vandersteen 2Cs BUT I want to be able to work well with a range of speakers  I am not talking about power but tonal balance/sound  Not to far to the warm and not to far to the analytical / thin side.  Rock and blues are the primary music (so laid back is not good) and the cables are all Analysis Plus.  Using a Music Hall A 50..2 which is very impressive  Liked it better then the Yamaha AS 2000 I tried.  All  below are very close in price used. Thanks

Rogue Tempest Magnun
Rogue Cronus

Solid State
Anthem 225  Had one years ago and thought it was kind of dry but have different cable, gear now
Classe 151  Had a 150  It was OK 151 is supposed to be more neutral
Rotel RA 1570
Roksan Kandy K2
Bel Canto EVO 2 gen II  Had one for 4 years almost perfect but no soul.  Might be different with cables and such
Musical Fidelity A 300

For your speakers,the Rotel would be my first choice from the amps you list. NAD is another good pick.

If you're open to consider other ways, have a look at Audio Advisor web site. They have a $1300 Nuforce power amp on sale for $500. If you buy that amp, you'll still have money to buy a passive line stage. That combo should easily sound better than any of the integrates you list.
I get it...we all have a budget to stay within. I would just say this..The Parasound Halo probably should cost 5K...its that good. Used if you can find one would probably cost 1500-1700. The bonus with the Parasound Halo would won't need a preamp/DAC/or a phono preamp. I also think it would make your Vandersteens absolutely sing. If somehow you can bump your budget up.....this would be a great choice. 
The Vandersteens are  easy to drive and are efficient as well, I would look at a Parrasound Halo Integrated also, and for bonus you get a dac and phono stage init as well.

Cheers George 
Guys the Halo thing is not going to happen I do not have a money press in my basement  I am down to the Anthem and the Rotel RA 1570