Wife trouble

I am having trouble with mine also. What about a swap?
Is there hope for reconciliation? Get rid of some gear, fast! It's never worth losing someone you love over stuff! Get your wife back and LOSE the unnecessary old gear! Adapt, man!  If you were a hoarder it eats at the spouse like a cancer. Show you have some balls and can change to show how much she means to you! Instead of grousing here, get to it!  :) 

This is not an attempt at a "smart remark", just one that might bring a good change for you. 
My wife knows the cost of my system and says go ahead buy more we are going to Stereo show in Chicago.
In your system pics it seems you were turning your living space into a used/repair audio shop. A woman wants a home, not a garage. Show her some respect and let her have a living space. Find some agreement and your relationship can blossom! 
ebm, I expect you pick up no less than two pair of Magico speakers. LOL  ;)

What are you in the market for? 
It is an understatement to say that with women, things are not always as they seem.  The equipment thing may just be something she can hang her hat on and  go for a weak spot. 

I would never have spent the small fortune on equipment were my wife still alive, but it's not a good substitute.  Having said that, any future love interests will have to abide the habit.

Good luck!