Why such low power with DIY tubeamp kits?

Hi all,

This is not meant as a criticism, just a question so I will understand better.

For some background, I hand-built a guitar amp kit from Allen Amps. David Allen is really respected in that biz, and he supplies either pre-built or kit Fender Blackface clones. I built his variation on a Super Reverb head. Depending on tubes, it puts out either 40w or 25w and also has a switchable tap for 4 or 8 ohms. It’s really sweet... all hand-wired (by me) on a board with just holes for the resistors and caps and diodes. Not a PCB in other words.  I hand-soldered every single connection on that amp.   It was a really fun project.

So lately I was looking at DIY stereo tube amp and pre-amp kits and all of them (that I found, anyway) were 8w / channel max.

I know my guitar amp is not stereo, and that we expect and even desire distortion in a guitar amp, so I can understand that a really clean and distortion / noise-free hifi tube amp will require more and better components (or maybe "different") as well as being more expensive generally.

But given all that, why is the lion’s share of DIY hifi tube-amp kits so low-powered?

Are there any higher-powered kits? Ones that do not use a PCB? I can follow a wiring diagram but not a schematic.

Thanks in advance,

Eric Zwicky
Richmond VA