Xbox help

Recently got an xbox and it came with a converter that the guy called a HD conveter. I suspect it is just a component converter. My problem is when using that converter, it displays in 4:3 only, not 16:9
Is anyone familiar with this? First: is there another unit out there that is better?
I guess second would be the obvious, would the DVDO be a good choice?
Thanks for any help.
I just went through the setup again. The xbox settings for video can be standard , letterbox, or widescreen. I have chose both letterbox and widescreen and the top and bottom are cut off. hmmmm...
I figured it was the cheap component that I used for the conversion was the culprit. I went to rat shack and picked up the monster cable version. Put it on and bamo!!! Same thing. Top and bottom cut off. Could my unit be defective? Everyone else is having no problem with this?
Are you using the RGB DB15 XBOX 460 cable or the Component Video cable?

I have the same problem when using the RGB cable, but not the component cable.
I finaly got it to work with the Monster cable. (blushing) I found my original TV remote and saw I could change the picture settings on my TV. There was like 5 different settings and I just choose the on that works. I don't think I helped you though. Sorry.
Now if I could just get off the damn Xbox I would be a lot better .