Subtle speaker help needed

Quick version. I have been a member here many, many years. I don't even know how many. I have a question. My house that I built, sold and had lived in for 15 years had dedicated everything. HT room, music room. This house is a 96 year old traditional. I have gutted the place with all new everything. I have made several changes such as removing three walls that opened everything up. But, I have kept the traditional feel to the home though. I am now stuck on making a system that will blend in to the decore (sp)
Any suggestions ? I hate to say it but I have been giving the BOSE system a thought. Help before I do this.
Look at the Gallos ( for on-wall or explore in-walls/in-ceilings. Virtually every major speaker company now makes these. I have the Gallo A'Divas and have been very satisfied. Not as good as my previous floorstanding full-range speakers, but invisible by comparison.

Best of luck.

Friends don't let friends buy Bose. There are plenty of speakers out there with more old-style, traditional looks to them. I have no idea what the rest of your needs are, and what your system and preferences are. My leanings are towards tubes and lower wattage amps, so I'll give you a few suggestions that would combine with both your 'traditional' (not entirely sure I know what you mean by that either) home, and my kind of system:

Klipsch (any of their Heritage line from the 70's and 80's) - Klipschorn, Belle Klipsch, LaScala, Cornwall and Heresy in order of size. Paired off with tubes these speakers are wonderful to my ears. Careful with pairing them with SS.

Galante speakers - Brian Galante is no longer building them unfortunately, but they are available used occasionally and are a wonderful speaker. The Rhapsody is the one I have.

Cain & Cain - A bit more esoteric and sensitive to system matching. More of an acquired taste in a way. But craftsmanship that would likely go with your traditional decor (if I'm understanding you)

You can look further into esoteric makers like Edgarhorns, Tannoy, and other exotic single-driver solutions. There again, system matching is critical.

You should probably explain a bit more of what you are looking for. "Traditional" can be broadly interpreted.

If you mean subtle as in unobtrusive and you want a multi speaker system JM labs makes an entry level speaker system called Cubs.
I am not a complete Bose Basher because I am the son of a late audiophile whose friend had one of the first sets of 901s they were revolutionary. As a kid hearing them I thought they blew away many of the speakers of the day. I don't know what Dr. Bose was thinking as he developed new models but the general public seems to like them, I was forced into Bose store (WAF issue) and couldn't tolerate the sound of any model at all. We finally settled on a pretty little floor stander that is generally well liked. They are the Von Schweickert VR2s they are not obtrusive slim a little hieight though and have good veneers and the sound of mine are musical. My wife insisted on them. But these were U.S. built, they are now outsourced to China and may look or sound different. I have my own dedicated system, I won't go into because it's fairly idiosyncratic.
Okay, I will be a little more descriptive. The house is like a center hall colonial. Rooms on both sides of the entrance. I am looking for HT only. I have a tube system set up in the den for my music. I want simple solid stste for the HT. Wife friendly. I want it UNabtrusive to the room. I don't want to see it. I just re did all of the walls in brand new sheetrock so inwalls are out unless I can get them in without a mess. I am not familiar with inwall instalation.
I am looking for a complete system really. I have a 52" Toshiba DLP wich is just the right size for the room. Also kept one LCD projector from the sale of the house that I kept for future use somewhere.
I know BOSE is a major poo poo around here. I really couldn't care either though. No highs no lows must be bose. Bullcrap. I have heard the cubes in a HT environment and they sound good. I just think they are overpriced by about 7000%. Even on the used market they are commanding wayyyy too much. But the BOSE concept and size (to me ) are the perfect bookmark.
Does that supply enough info ?
Thanks, Scott