Subtle speaker help needed

Quick version. I have been a member here many, many years. I don't even know how many. I have a question. My house that I built, sold and had lived in for 15 years had dedicated everything. HT room, music room. This house is a 96 year old traditional. I have gutted the place with all new everything. I have made several changes such as removing three walls that opened everything up. But, I have kept the traditional feel to the home though. I am now stuck on making a system that will blend in to the decore (sp)
Any suggestions ? I hate to say it but I have been giving the BOSE system a thought. Help before I do this.
I looked it up but, at this point if I am going to build another dedicated room. I would use higher end stuff. I just didn't want to clutter the living room with boxes.
Thanks for that info though.
It sounds like you got the upgrade bug before you even bought anything! LOL! You're obviously on the right web site for THAT mindset! Good luck in your decision, whatever it ends up being.